Surname List: Begins with B

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[no surname] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Bacardatz (2)
2. Bachere (1)
3. Bachibiry (4)
4. Bachibiry or Elisabehere (1)
5. Bachoc (23)
6. Bachoc or Bachoq (1)
7. Badiere (15)
8. Badiere or Cubiarinerreca (2)
9. Badiere or Erreca (10)
10. Badostain (12)
11. Bailey (3)
12. Baker (1)
13. Balan (4)
14. Balangue (7)
15. Balda (6)
16. Balisa (1)
17. Baliza (1)
18. Ballade (4)
19. Ballaz (1)
20. Ballorena (1)
21. Bancroft (1)
22. Bangs (23)
23. Baptista or Jacaluz (1)
24. Baptista or Oquilamberro (1)
25. Baptistarena (3)
26. Baptistarena or Lohitcebehere (1)
27. Baptistarena or Zohieta dit Jacaluz (1)
28. Barandeguy (1)
29. Barandica (1)
30. Baranthol (2)
31. Barbaste (4)
32. Barber Masterra (1)
33. Barbera (1)
34. Barberarena (1)
35. Barberarena or Ardaitz (1)
36. Barbereina (1)
37. Barberena (12)
38. Barberena (Inda) (1)
39. Barberena or Inda (1)
40. Barberteguy (3)
41. Barbeteguy (2)
42. Barbeteguy or Alhais (1)
43. Barbeteguy or Gariador (1)
44. Barcelona (72)
45. Barcelona Ireguy (1)
46. Barcelona Lanciry (1)
47. Barcelona or Corquilant (1)
48. Barcelona or Ireguy (1)
49. Barcelona or Lans (2)
50. Barcelona Oxarart (1)
51. Bareille (2)
52. Baret (1)
53. Barhandeguy or Barrandeguy (1)
54. Barhenetche (6)
55. Barhenetche dit Ephele (1)
56. Barhenetche or Ephele or Harguina (1)
57. Barker (1)
58. Barneche (1)
59. Barnetche (70)
60. Barnetche dit Chalanchuhy (1)
61. Barnetche or Bidondo (1)
62. Barnetche or Chalanchuhy (1)
63. Barnetche or Ephele (3)
64. Barnetche or Espinal or Ephele (1)
65. Barnetche or Etchebarne (1)
66. Barnetche or Harriluchet (2)
67. Barnetche or Zasparro (1)
68. Barnetchebehere (8)
69. Barnetchegaray (3)
70. Barnich (2)
71. Baron (5)
72. Barondeguy or Barhandeguy (1)
73. Barondeguy or Berenda (1)
74. Barrail (2)
75. Barran (1)
76. Barrandeguy (8)
77. Barraque (2)
78. Barreneche (2)
   79. Barreneche Ugarte (1)
80. Barthe (7)
81. Basabe (4)
82. Basabe Bengochea (1)
83. Bascans (1)
84. Basque (2)
85. Bassagaisteguy (3)
86. Bastan (1)
87. Bastanchuhy (74)
88. Bastanchuhy Corcabal/Corcabalgaray (1)
89. Bastanchuhy Coscarart (1)
90. Bastanchuhy dit Antonehailearena (4)
91. Bastanchuhy dit Doncuan (3)
92. Bastanchuhy dit Igusquiaguerre (4)
93. Bastanchuhy Joanahandy (1)
94. Bastanchuhy or Bastanchury (3)
95. Bastanchuhy or Bidondo or Bidegain (1)
96. Bastanchuhy or Biperrenia (1)
97. Bastanchuhy or Bipher (3)
98. Bastanchuhy or Corcabal (1)
99. Bastanchuhy or Corcabal/Corcabalgaray (1)
100. Bastanchuhy or Corcabalgaray (1)
101. Bastanchuhy or Domingorena or Harriet (1)
102. Bastanchuhy or Ehailea (1)
103. Bastanchuhy or Igusquiaguerre (1)
104. Bastanchuhy or Ithurribels (1)
105. Bastanchuhy or Oquilanberro (1)
106. Bastanchuhy or Pedrottipia or Cahargunbehere (1)
107. Bastanchuri Reculosa (1)
108. Bastanchury (38)
109. Bastanchury dit Pedrottipia (2)
110. Bastanchury or Corcabal (1)
111. Bastarrica (1)
112. Basterrechea Asqueta (1)
113. Basterrechea Zuzaeta (1)
114. Basterretche (1)
115. Basterretche dit Duhalde (1)
116. Basterrica (3)
117. Bataille (1)
118. Batz (20)
119. Baumgartner (1)
120. Bayerque (6)
121. Bayhuncabehere (1)
122. Bayle (1)
123. Bayones (8)
124. Bazabal (6)
125. Bazin (1)
126. Beaupuy (1)
127. Beaute (1)
128. Bedacarratz (1)
129. Bedecaratz (2)
130. Bedout (1)
131. Bedoya (1)
132. Beer (1)
133. Begorre (1)
134. Begue (16)
135. Behasque (1)
136. Beherecoborda (1)
137. Beherecoetche (3)
138. Beherecoetche or Ausomots (2)
139. Beherecoetche or Cuburu (3)
140. Beherecotche (1)
141. Beighau (1)
142. Beignatena (1)
143. Beilhes (1)
144. Bejino (5)
145. Bel (5)
146. Belar (7)
147. Belar or Jocoberro (1)
148. Belastorquia (1)
149. Belastorquia or Joanneshandy (1)
150. Belategui (1)
151. Belca (20)
152. Belcaguy (1)
153. Belcena (1)
154. Belcena or Joannesbelz or Unhaindy (1)
155. Belchania (1)
156. Belechitela (1)
   157. Belhy (3)
158. Bell (2)
159. Bello (1)
160. Belly/Belhy (1)
161. Beltran (1)
162. Belza (2)
163. Belzunce (1)
164. Bengochea (14)
165. Bengoechea (1)
166. Bennett (4)
167. Beraiz (2)
168. Beraun (1)
169. Bercetche (15)
170. Bercetche or Barnetchebehere (1)
171. Berchinanto (7)
172. Bercot (1)
173. Berdexagar Larraburu (1)
174. Berecochea (11)
175. Berecochea Anchorena (1)
176. Bereterbide (7)
177. Bergara (3)
178. Bergassat (1)
179. Bergeret (1)
180. Bergeron (1)
181. Berges (1)
182. Bergez (1)
183. Bergez-Benebig (4)
184. Bergouignan (16)
185. Berhan (1)
186. Berho (4)
187. Berhocoirigoin (1)
188. Berhonde (1)
189. Berhueta (10)
190. Berhueta Marcelin (1)
191. Berhueta or Bergara (1)
192. Bernagno (1)
193. Bernagnoa (1)
194. Bernal (2)
195. Bernardet (1)
196. Bernatene (3)
197. Beroiz (8)
198. Berrau or Ospital (1)
199. Berrouet (1)
200. Berrueta (3)
201. Bersars (1)
202. Bert (1)
203. Berterebide (2)
204. Berterretche (2)
205. Bertiz (7)
206. Bertrand (1)
207. Besancie (26)
208. Bessville (1)
209. Betart (3)
210. Betat (1)
211. Betbeder (2)
212. Beteretche or Dorrachury or Joanot (1)
213. Betricaina (1)
214. Betrimalso (1)
215. Betrisco (1)
216. Beyes (1)
217. Bibie (1)
218. Bibie or Cherberochut (1)
219. Bibie or Incaurpe (1)
220. Bibier (1)
221. Bicariena (5)
222. Bicariteguy (1)
223. Bicary (1)
224. Bichar or Antonena (1)
225. Bichar or Cubiat or Antonena (1)
226. BIcharena or Antonena (1)
227. Bichi or Chabatene or Joanneshandy (1)
228. Bichy or Joanneshandy (3)
229. Bicondoa (1)
230. Bidabe (2)
231. Bidabehere (2)
232. Bidarray Sorzabal (1)
233. Bidart (288)
234. Bidart or Casenave (1)
   235. Bidart or Falxa (1)
236. Bidart or Iriberry (1)
237. Bidaurreta (14)
238. Bide (67)
239. Bide Bidaurreta (1)
240. Bide Vicondo (1)
241. Bidegain (41)
242. Bidegain Benatena (1)
243. Bidegain Bidau (1)
244. Bidegain dit Fourrillo (2)
245. Bidegain or Fourillo (1)
246. Bidegain or Gastelecutto (1)
247. Bidegain Tihista (1)
248. Bidegainberry (1)
249. Bidegaray (26)
250. Bidegaray dit Tambourindeguy (1)
251. Bidonde (1)
252. Bidondebehere (1)
253. Bidondebehere or Mentaberry (2)
254. Bidondo (116)
255. Bidondo dit Miguelena (1)
256. Bidondo or Bastanchuhy (1)
257. Bidondo or Bastanchuhy or Miguelena (1)
258. Bidondo or Bidegain (1)
259. Bidondo or Miguelenia (1)
260. Bielle (9)
261. Bigot (14)
262. Bigot (Sarry) (1)
263. Bigot Chalbador (1)
264. Bigot Chalbadorena (1)
265. Bigot Chalbdorena (1)
266. Bigot dit Gorthairu (2)
267. Bigot or Ferranyo (2)
268. Bigot or Ferranyo or Ihitcague (1)
269. Bigot or Guerciete (1)
270. Bigot or Ihitca (1)
271. Bigot or Ihitcague (2)
272. Bigot or Unhaindy (1)
273. Bigot or Vigotena (1)
274. Bihurriet (17)
275. Bihurriet Caldubehere (1)
276. Bihurriet dit Arambelchoco (2)
277. Bihurriet or Chalanchuhy (1)
278. Bilbao (1)
279. Bildosteguy (1)
280. Bildozeria (1)
281. Bilhere (2)
282. Billere (1)
283. Bipher (4)
284. Bipherrena (1)
285. Bisbee (2)
286. Bisby (1)
287. Biscaichipy (142)
288. Biscaichipy or Apecetche (1)
289. Biscaichipy or Biscai (1)
290. Biscailuz (15)
291. Biscar (12)
292. Biscar or Erreca (2)
293. Biscarrena (3)
294. Biscarrena dit Aspars (1)
295. Biscarrena or Joalguin (1)
296. Biscarret (2)
297. Biscay (21)
298. Biscay dit Bidondo (2)
299. Biscay or Bidondo (1)
300. Blair (1)
301. Blancaire (3)
302. Blanchard (3)
303. Boessarain (1)
304. Boisseranc (3)
305. Bolloquy (1)
306. Bonnefon (1)
307. Bonnefont (3)
308. Bonneu dit Domecq (1)
309. Borda (21)
310. Bordaberry (2)
311. Bordagaray (5)
312. Bordalde (1)
   313. Bordalde or Joannesbelz (1)
314. Bordalde or Oxanaitzbehere or Pilaria (1)
315. Bordarampe (1)
316. Bordato (13)
317. Bordegaray (2)
318. Bordelon (2)
319. Bordenave (7)
320. Borderre (25)
321. Bordes (2)
322. Borgeais (1)
323. Borthagaray (6)
324. Botiller (1)
325. Boubee (4)
326. Boucau (4)
327. Boumalatz (1)
328. Boumbele dit Putchy (1)
329. Boumbele or Putchy (2)
330. Bourdet (17)
331. Bourmalatz (52)
332. Bourmalatz dit Bastanchuhy (2)
333. Bourmalatz or Bastanchuhy (1)
334. Bourmalatz or Harguina (1)
335. Bourmalatz or Haritshandia (1)
336. Bourmalatz or Haritzhandia (1)
337. Bourmalatz or Ihitcague (1)
338. Bourmalatz or Mocarte (2)
339. Bourmalatz or Mocarte or Martinpoco (1)
340. Bourmalatz or Pedrobelcha (1)
341. Bouvet (2)
342. Brana (8)
343. Brannigan (1)
344. Brewer (1)
345. Brock (1)
346. Brown (8)
347. Bruno (1)
348. Brust (40)
349. Brust dit Etcheverrigaray (4)
350. Brust dit Etcheverrigaray/Etcheverry (1)
351. Brust Espelet (1)
352. Brustet (17)
353. Brustet or Espelet (2)
354. Brustet or Espelet dit Equilaioilia (1)
355. Brustet or Larralde (2)
356. Brustet or Larrateguy (1)
357. Bruthe or Brust (1)
358. Bryan (1)
359. Budi (1)
360. Burdaria Echezarreta (1)
361. Burdariabeitia Municha (1)
362. Burgard (3)
363. Burgess (1)
364. Burguzahar (1)
365. Buriurena (1)
366. Burnett (1)
367. Burrueso (1)
368. Burthe (10)
369. Burthe de Guiroy (2)
370. Burthe de Guiroy de Lagarrigue (2)
371. Burthe de Lagarrigue (1)
372. Burthe dit Lagarrigue (1)
373. Burthe dit Peillocorena (1)
374. Burthe or Brust (4)
375. Burubelca (6)
376. Burubels (1)
377. Burubeltz (9)
378. Burucoa (36)
379. Burucoa dit Kukita (1)
380. Burucoa or Ilharreburu (1)
381. Burulus (3)
382. Bustan (7)
383. Bustan or Itcaina (1)
384. Bustan or Joannahandy (5)
385. Bustanena (1)
386. Bustinague or Bustin (1)
387. Bustinto (1)
388. Busunarits (1)
389. Busunarits or Erramoupse or Toutarras (1)
390. Busunarits or Lohitce or Erramouspe (1)