Jean Iriberry or Iribarne or Menta

Name Jean Iriberry or Iribarne or Menta - He was also called Alexandro.
Birth 20 Oct 1742 Lohiola, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France [1]
- Jean d'Iriberry, son of Jean (Pierre?) d'Iriberry and Catherine, owner of the house of Lohiola in the quartier of Iparraguerre, living in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Gariador and Marie de Licerasse, owner of Potairarena (sic).
Gender Male Godparent or Witness Jean d'Alexandro was a witness on the marriage record of his brother Jean de Lexane (Alexandro) with Francoise d'Esnazugaray (Auchoberry) in 1760. Person ID I7559 family Last Modified 21 Feb 2025
Father Pierre Bidart or Iriberry, b. Bidart, Oticoren, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. Alexandroenia, Les Aldudes, France
Mother Catherine Lohiola, b. 15 May 1700, Lohiola, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France Marriage 23 Apr 1730 St. Etienne de Baigorry, France Family ID F1519 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Catherine Portugal, b. 26 Sep 1754, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. 9 Dec 1820, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France
(Age 66 years)
Marriage 20 May 1772 St. Etienne de Baigorry, France [2]
- Jean d'Iribarne, cadet of the house of Alexandrorena in the Aldudes and Catherine de Sorcabalbehere, inheritor of the house of Sorcabalbeherea.
Witnesses were Jean d'Iribarne, brother of the groom, Antoine d'Oxoby, cousin of the groom, Pierre Jaureguy and Jean Jaureguy, uncle and cousin of the bride.
Children 1. Francoise Iribarne, b. 4 Jul 1774, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. 24 Apr 1784, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France
(Age 9 years)
2. Marie Iribarne, b. 3 Sep 1775, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 3. Jean Iriart, b. 10 May 1777, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 4. Gratianne Menta, b. 27 Jun 1778, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 5. Marie Menta, b. 2 Jan 1780, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 6. Catherine Menta, b. 6 Jan 1782, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 7. Marie Menta, b. Abt 1783, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. 27 Aug 1785, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France
(Age 2 years)
8. Pierre Menta, b. 9 Jun 1785, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 9. Jean Alexandro, b. 26 Jan 1787, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France 10. Jean Alexandro, b. 11 Mar 1789, Sorcabalbehere, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France Family ID F6940 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 27 Feb 2025
Sources - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 358.
https://earchives.le64.fr/archives-en-ligne/ark:/81221/r27219z3rv1qfk/f358 - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 1537.
- [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 358.