Bernard Iriquy

Name Bernard Iriquy Birth Est 1691 Gnafarenia, Banca, France Gender Male Godparent or Witness Bernat d'Iriquy, young owner of the borde of Nafar was a witness on the marriage record of his sister Catherine d'Iriquy and Bernard de Mendiburu in 1735.
Bernat d'Iriquy was godfather to his nephew Bernat d'Ourhelz in 1737.
Bernat d'Iriquy, young owner of the borde of Nafarrena in Hayra was godfather to his niece Marie de Mendiburu in 1737.
Bernard d'Idiquy was godfather to Bernard d'Erio dit Bernadet (Hasquet) of Chalbador in 1749 (relationship not noted).
Bernard Iriqui was godfather to his granddaughter Catherine Iriqui of Nafar in 1764.
Bernard Iriquy was godfather to his grandson Bernard Cuburu in Garat in 1767.French Notary Documents 9 Jan 1771 Banca, France [1]
Testament - Bernard Iriquy provided his testament which noted that he had 7 children from his marriage to his 2nd wife Dominique Mendiburu: Joseph, Gaston, Martin, Miguel, Marie (married in house of Golco in St. Etienne), another Marie (married in house of Garat in Occos) and Jeanne Iriquy. It also mentions his granddaughter Catherine Iriquy, child of his son Gaston from his first marriage, as "heretiere" (which assumes of the house of Gnafarenia).
Iriquy, Bernard Gnafarenia testament 1771 Death 20 Jun 1771 Gnafarenia, Banca, France [2]
Iriqui, Bernard Gnafarenia death 1771 French Notary Documents 27 Apr 1802 [3] Reglement of the house of Gnafar in La Fonderie Person ID I1524 family Last Modified 21 Mar 2025
Father Joannes/Jean Iriquy, b. Iriquy, Lasse, France d. 23 Jul 1739, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
Mother Marie Etcheberry, b. Est 1677, Etcheberry, Bastide, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. 20 Jan 1712, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
(Age 35 years)
Marriage Bef 1691 Gnafarenia, Banca, France Family ID F640 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family 1 Marie Etchechury, b. Abt 1697, Chanchoinea, Banca, France d. 29 Mar 1732, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
(Age 35 years)
Basque House 1718 Gnafarenia, Banca, France Marriage 21 Nov 1718 Gnafarenia, Banca, France [4]
- Bernard d'Iriquy, inheritor of the borde of Naigfar in the quartier of Hayra and Marie d'Etchechoury, daughter of the borde of Sancho, also in the quartier of Hayra.
Witnesses included Bernard, owner of the house of Iriquy in Lasse, uncle of the groom and Betry Etchechury, brother of the bride.
Iriquy, Bernard and Marie Etchechury marriage 1718 Children 1. Joannes Iriquy, b. 29 Apr 1720, Gnafarenia, Banca, France d. 20 Sep 1733, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
(Age 13 years)
+ 2. Gaston or Castor Ipar or Iriquy, b. 16 Feb 1723, Gnafarenia, Banca, France d. 1 Dec 1770, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
(Age 47 years)
3. Catherine Iriquy, b. 7 Sep 1725, Gnafarenia, Banca, France 4. Pierre Iriquy, b. 07 Mar 1728, Gnafarenia, Banca, France Family ID F625 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 23 Aug 2015
Family 2 Dominique Mendiburu, b. Abt 1708, Mendiburu, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. 26 Dec 1788, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
(Age 80 years)
Marriage 02 Sep 1736 Gnafarenia, Banca, France [5]
- Bernard d'Iriquy, young owner of the borde of Nafarrena in the quartier of Hayra and Dominique, daughter of the house of Mendiburu in Leispars.
Witnesses were Miguel, owner of the house of Aparain in Leispars and Sanson d'Etchegoyen, shoemaker.
Iriquy, Bernard and Dominique Mendiburu marriage 1736 Children 1. Marie Iriquy, b. 21 Feb 1737, Gnafarenia, Banca, France + 2. Marie Iriquy, b. 19 Jun 1738, Gnafarenia, Banca, France 3. Catherine Iriquy, b. 05 Jul 1740, Gnafarenia, Banca, France 4. Joseph Iriquy, b. 21 Sep 1742, Gnafarenia, Banca, France 5. Gaston Iriquy, b. 17 Jul 1745, Gnafarenia, Banca, France 6. Martin Iriquy, b. 29 Mar 1748, Gnafarenia, Banca, France d. 22 Sep 1827, Gnafarenia, Banca, France
(Age 79 years)
+ 7. Miquel Iriquy, b. 29 Aug 1750, Gnafarenia, Banca, France + 8. Jeanne Iriquy, b. 1 Sep 1754, Gnafarenia, Banca, France Family ID F469 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 30 Mar 2015
- Bernard Iriquy provided his testament which noted that he had 7 children from his marriage to his 2nd wife Dominique Mendiburu: Joseph, Gaston, Martin, Miguel, Marie (married in house of Golco in St. Etienne), another Marie (married in house of Garat in Occos) and Jeanne Iriquy. It also mentions his granddaughter Catherine Iriquy, child of his son Gaston from his first marriage, as "heretiere" (which assumes of the house of Gnafarenia).
Notary Documents Quittance executed at Ainciart in St. Etienne on 8/6/1769
Joannes Iriart and Marie Joannesharro, owner adventif and proprietor of Joannesharro and Garat in the village of Leispars, quartier of Belestorquia in favor of Bernard d'Iriquy, elder owner & proprietor of Nafarrena in Haira.
Sources - [S28] AD64 Notary Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry, Etude I, Etcheverry Michel, 1771, page 533.
- [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records.
- [S28] AD64 Notary Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry, Etude II, Harismendy Jean, AnX, page 189.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0001/Saint-Etienne-de-Baigorry_1/3E10191/viewer.html?ns=FRAD064007_3E10191_0189.JPG - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1692-1734 records page 765.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/SAINT-ETIENNE-DE-BAIGORRY/5MI477-1/viewer.html - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 62.
- [S28] AD64 Notary Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry, Etude I, Etcheverry Michel, 1771, page 533.