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7401 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Domingo Bidegaray and Margueritte d'Arretche, owners of the house of Bidegaray in Aincille. | Bidegaray, Joannes (I15246)
7402 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Domingo Duralde and Dominica Etienou. | Duralde, Pierre (I20578)
7403 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Domingo Echarren and Josephe Redin of Ardaiz. | Echarren, Antonio (I22993)
7404 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Domingo Jaureguy and Marie Uhalde. | Jaureguy, Jean (I18426)
7405 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Domingo Liciaga, deceased and Dionisia Goicotchea, living in Buenos Aires at the time of their son's marriage in 1927. | Liciaga, Dionicia (I22375)
7406 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Dominique Basterretche dit Duhalde and Marie Minaberrigaray, owners of the house of Pochulu in Armendarits. | Basterretche dit Duhalde, Jean (I21239)
7407 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Dominique Bidart and Marie Goyhenetche, living in Ascarat at the time of this marriage. | Bidart, Dominique (I5433)
7408 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Dominique Etcheverry and Gracianne Fagalde. | Etcheverry, Jean (I19248)
7409 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Dominique Mourguiart and Jeanne Baratciart. | Mourguiart, Pierre (I15377)
7410 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Dominique Uhalde and Catherine Henriette Delgue, owners of the house of Iracabal in the village of Osses. | Uhalde, Jean (I15070)
7411 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Esteban Maria Videgain and Maria Santusa Benabena. | Videgain, Eugenio Maria (I22118)
7412 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Etienne Amestoy, Spanish subject living in Urrugne, farmer, 62 years old and Jeanne Luis, died in Urrugne in 1868. | Amestoy, Jean (I20207)
7413 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Etienne Larretche and Jeanne Marie Larzabal. | Larretche, Robert (I22730)
7414 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Etienne Saldiboure and Gratianne Etche?, living in Lahonce at the time of his marriage. | Saldiboure, Baptiste (I22743)
7415 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Felipe Antonio Sagardia and Francisca Astiz. | Sagardia Astiz, Ilarri/Hilario (I22729)
7416 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Fernando Goni and Martina Echandi of Elizondo. | Goni, Rufino (I22132)
7417 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Francisco Echenique and Josefa Indart of Irurita. | Echenique, Jose Mariano (I22568)
7418 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Francois Bergouignan and Vincente Morin. | Bergouignan, Bernard (I7817)
7419 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Gabriel Duhalde and Dominica Michelena of Ascain. | Duhalde, St. Martin (I22725)
7420 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Gaste Iriart and Marie Benejac, owners of the house of Charbo, Exave, Osses. | Iriart, Jean (I21282)
7421 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Georges Henri Lubet and Jeanne Chotil. | Lubet, Etienne Francois (I22561)
7422 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Gracian Aramburu and Marie Galanta Biscains. | Aramburu, Michel (I23455)
7423 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Gracian Etchart and Agnes Marieyhera. | Etchart, Jean (I19756)
7424 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Gratian Erreca and Marie Arambel from the house of Lohitcia in Urepel. | Erreca, Gratian (I48)
7425 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Gratian Sarry and Marie Cuburu or Gorria. He was widower of Marie Erramouspe who he married in 1820. | Sarry, Martin (I8943)
7426 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Hourralde Gros and Martina Duart. | Gros, Jean (I22565)
7427 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Isadore Urrutia and Catherine Berrio. | Urrutia, Mariano Ciriaco Maria (I22963)
7428 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jacques Lacabanne and Catherine Lacou-Seubole (sic). | Lacabanne, Pierre (I17155)
7429 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Aldax and Marie Marisco, owners of the house of Marisco in Baigorry. | Aldax, Gratian or Michel (I10825)
7430 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Alzualde and Etiennette Idiarte of Ciga, Spain. | Alzualde, Juan Miguel/Michel (I11375)
7431 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Apesteguy and Jeanne Bonnet. | Apesteguy, Urbain (I22726)
7432 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Apesteguy and Marie Etcheverry who were living in the village of St. Jean Pied de Port at the time of his birth. | Apesteguy, Guillaume (I13923)
7433 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Arripe and Marianne Casetou. | Arripe, Joseph (I19222)
7434 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Baptiste Laxague, shoemaker and Francoise Noemie Girban, housewife. | Laxague, Pierre (I22562)
7435 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Bassagaisteguy and Marie Gelos. | Bassagaisteguy, Guillaume (I21257)
7436 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Cadet Aguerre and Marie Amelie Pochelu. | Aguerre, Pierre (I23021)
7437 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Chacou and Gratianne Pecoits. | Chacou, Pierre (I14521)
7438 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Chanchorena and Marie Etchalous, owners of the house of Bordaberry. | Chanchorena, Pierre (I11462)
7439 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Changala and Jeanne Apharain, owners of the house of Errecalde in Guermiette. | Changala, Gratian (I23364)
7440 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Esquerre and Jeanne Josephe Ferran. | Esquerre, Guillaume Omer Xavier (I18835)
7441 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Etchebarren and Dominica Antongorry. | Etchebarren, Dominique (I22754)
7442 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Etchegaray and Marie Anne Leurethe. | Etchegaray, Charles (I22738)
7443 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Indart and Marie Errecart, owners of the house of Salaberry in the quartier of Leispars. | Indart, Pierre (I12221)
7444 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Iriart and Etiennette Uhide, owners of Mendicahar in Baigorry. | Iriart, Dominique (I7172)
7445 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Iribarne and Marie Elicondo. | Iribarne, Antoine (I21333)
7446 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Iriberry and Jeanne Acheren, who were renting the house of Salla in Iriberry at the time of his marriage. | Inchauspe, Jacques (I15744)
7447 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Laurent Dospital and Therese Duhalde. | Dospital, Etienne (I22733)
7448 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Louis Durquetty, negotiator and Gracieuse Etchebehere. | Durquetty, Francois (I22991)
7449 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Maxime Castaingts and Marguerite Lafourcade. He was living in Paris and a "gardien de la passe". | Castaingts, Fabien (I7218)
7450 |
His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Jean Pierre Carriquiry and Marie Berhouet. | Carriquiry, Guillaume (I21259)