Matches 701 to 750 of 22,626
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701 | Baptiste Ancola, son of Gratian d'Ancola and Marie d'Etchegaray, owners of the house of Copena in Oyhansoro. His godparents were Baptiste d'Antonena and Marie d'Erramouzpe. | Ansola or Ansolabehere, Baptiste (I21280)
702 | Baptiste Antonena, farmer (laboreur) 48 years old, owner of the house of Cahargun, presented this natural child born to his sister-in-law, Marimigno, cadette of the house of Cahargun. Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 61 years old farmer and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 40 years old. | Saroiberry, Jeanne (I4481)
703 | Baptiste Antonena, farmer, 70 years old, married to Marie Lassa, owner of the house of Chitchastena. | Haira dit Antonena, Baptiste (I3831)
704 | Baptiste Antonena, owner of the house of Choco in the quartier of Oyhansoro, about 65 years old. | Bichar or Antonena, Baptiste (I21277)
705 | Baptiste Ardaitz, 64 years old, farmer, husband of Marie Uhalde, died in the house of Philipperenia in this village. | Ardaitz, Baptiste (I7806)
706 | Baptiste Ardaitz, 8 years old, son of Jean Ardaitz and Jeanne Esponda, renters (locataires) of the house of Philipperena in this village. | Ardaitz, Baptiste (I12129)
707 | Baptiste Ardans, 72 years old, farmer (laboreur), living in this village, husband of Marie Chanchorena, died in the house of Berha in this village. Witnesses were Michel Ernaut, 65 years old and Mathieu Urracariet, 55 years old, mason, neighbors of the deceased. | Ardans, Baptiste (I206)
708 | Baptiste Ardans, Berha, farmer (laboreur), Aldudes, 49, 48/94. | Ardans, Baptiste (I206)
709 | Baptiste Ardans, brother of the newborn, presented this child who was born to Jean Ardans, his father and Jeanne Deire, his wife, owners of the house of Berha in this village. Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 45 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 40 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. | Ardans, Baptiste (I2621)
710 | Baptiste Ardans, farmer (laboreur) 27 years old, legitimate son of the late Gratian Ardans and Jeanne D'Eyres, owners of the house of Ardancia commonly known as Berhainia in this village. Marie Chanchorena dit Etchechury, 30 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Chanchorena dit Etchechury and Marie Hiriart, owners of the house of Chalonsuhirenia (they were present). Witnesses were Jean Antchagno, cadet of Choko farmer (laboreur) 36 years old, Jean Ephele farmer (laboreur) 64 years old, Gratian Ephele farmer (laboreur) 37 years old and Jean Gachiteguy farmer (laboreur) 23 years old. | Family: Baptiste Ardans / Marie Chanchorena dit Etchechury (F70)
711 | Baptiste Ardans, farmer 30 years old and Marie Chanchorena dit Etchechury, owners of the house of Berha in this village, declared his name as Jean. Witnesses were Michel Ihitcague farmer 40 years old and Jean Franchessena farmer 44 years old. | Ardans, Jean (I468)
712 | Baptiste Ardans, first born son of the house of Berha in this village, farmer 21 years old, declared the birth of this child to Catherine Ardans, his natural aunt. Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 45 years old. | Ardans, Dominique (I719)
713 | Baptiste Arrambide, 61 years old, farmer, married to Jeanne Ernaga, died in the house of Maridertho in this village. | Arrambide, Baptiste (I2817)
714 | Baptiste Arrambide, 80 years old, married, died in the house of Inharabia. Witnesses were Jean Gastelecutto, 28 years old and Dominique Gastelecutto, 52 years old. | Arrambide or Arrambidegaray, Baptiste (I5137)
715 | Baptiste Arrambide, elder owner of Haristoy in the Bastide, about 86 years old. Witnesses were Pierre Graciateguy and Pierre Graciateguy. | Arrambide, Jean Baptiste (I9869)
716 | Baptiste Arrambide, elder owner of Haristoy in the quartier of the Bastide, about 86 years old. Witnesses were Pierre Graciateguy and Pierre Graciateguy. | Arrambide, Jean Baptiste (I2069)
717 | Baptiste Bidondo, 32 years old, farmer, husband of Isabelle Labadie, died in the house of Gortheyrubehere in this village. | Bidondo, Baptiste (I12409)
718 | Baptiste Coscarart, 58 years old, farmer, single, died in his house of Etcheniquia. | Coscarart, Jean Baptiste (I4079)
719 | Baptiste d'Amestoy, son of Antoine d'Amestoy and Catherine de Lanciry, owners of the borde of Landiry. His godparents were Baptiste de Guiroboarte (sic) and Gratiane de Chochoarena, paternal aunt. | Amestoy, Baptiste (I3578)
720 | Baptiste d'Antonena, son of the borde of Oholbicy in the quartier of Alcaldey and Marie, inheritor of the borde of Landachoco in the quartier of Belechy. Witnesses were Pierre de Poutxou of the village of Exabe in Orzes, Samson, son of Beherecoborda of Belechy, Jean, owner of the borde of Teylaguianarena in Oyhansoro and Michel Espil, renter of the house of Ellissondo. | Family: Baptiste Bichar or Antonena / Marie Oronos (F5962)
721 | Baptiste d'Arralde, weaver in Borchirette and Marie, daughter of the house of Goyhenetche in St. Etienne. Witnesses were Pierre d'Arhalde, brother of the groom and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches, father of the bride. | Family: Jean Baptiste Brustet / Marie Souhilar (F2666)
722 | Baptiste d'Arrambide, cadet of the house of Berrau in the Bastide and Gratianne, inheritor of the house of Harguinarena in the Bastide. Witnesses were Jean owner of Arrambide, cousin of the groom, Martin inheritor of Berrau, brother of the groom, Pedro de Harguinarena, brother of the bride and Miguel d'Iriberribehere, owner of Aristoy in the Bastide. | Family: Jean Baptiste Arrambide / Gratianne Oxarart (F6579)
723 | Baptiste d'Arrambide, inheritor of the borde of Arrambide and Marie, daughter of Martin Iriarte in the Aldudes. Witnesses included Antoine Ausquisuhy, uncle of the groom; Miguel de Saroiberry, Martin de Martin Iriarte, owner of the borde of Martin Iriarte and brother of bride and Pierre de Martin Iriarte, brother of bride. | Family: Jean Baptiste Arrambide / Marie Irigoin or Hiriart or Haira (F546)
724 | Baptiste d'Arrambide, son of Jean d'Arrambide and Marie de Bastan, residents of the Aldudes. His godparents were Baptiste d'Arrambide, paternal uncle and Marie daughter of the borde of Oxanaitz. | Arrambide or Arrambidegaray, Baptiste (I5137)
725 | Baptiste d'Epele, son of Baptiste d'Epele and Marie de Chotrorena, owners of the borde of Epele in the quartier of Jaurmendy. His godparents were Baptiste Haralde, weaver and Marie Noblia, seamstress. | Ephele, Jean Baptiste (I8048)
726 | Baptiste d'Etchenique, son of Antoine d'Etchenique and Marie de Mariasara, owners of the borde of Etcheniquerenia. His godparents were Baptiste d'Haira, owner of the borde of Antonenia and Marie de Mariasara, maternal grandmother. | Antonena dit Urquiloux, Baptiste (I3713)
727 | Baptiste de Bisar, son of Gratian de Bisar and Marie de Subiat, owners of the borde of Oholbicy in the quartier of Acaldey. His godparents were Baptiste d'Ithurralde and Jeanne, owner of Subiathandy. | Bichar or Antonena, Baptiste (I21277)
728 | Baptiste de Brustet, sonneur des cloches, widower, and Susanne de St. Martin. Witnesses were Bernard de Brustet, brother of the groom and Pierre de Badiere, Jean, owner of Marro and Jean d'Aurnague. | Family: Jean Baptiste Brustet / Susane Ainciburu or St. Martin (F4396)
729 | Baptiste de Burte de Guiroy, son of the house of Peillocorena, weaver and Marie d'Etchebarren, cadette daughter of the hosue of Gastigar. Witnesses were Pierre Burthe de Guiroy, owner of Sasquiliarena and Joseph of Etchebarren, both brothers of the couple. | Family: Jean Baptiste Burthe de Guiroy de Lagarrigue / Marie Etchebarren (F1125)
730 | Baptiste de Burthe, son of Pierre de Burthe and Marie de Sasquiguiliarena, owners of the house of Sasquiguiliarena in Mitxelene. His godparents were Baptiste de Burthe, paternal uncle and Marie de Sasquiguiliarena, maternal aunt. | Burthe, Baptiste (I9266)
731 | Baptiste de Burthe, son of the house of Peillocorena in Mitxelene and Marie de Caldugaray, daughter of Amestoi in Leispars. Witnesses were Pierre de Burthe, brother of the groom, another Pierre de Burther, brother of the groom, Ferrando d'Arretche, inheritor of Hourbels and Jean d'Iribarne. | Family: Jean Baptiste Burthe de Guiroy de Lagarrigue / Marie Caldugaray dit Amestoy (F2527)
732 | Baptiste de Iribarne, son of Jean d'Iribarne and Marie d'Iribarne, owners of the borde of Manechona in the Aldudes. His godparents were Baptiste d'Arrambide, maternal uncle and Catherine d'Iribarne, paternal aunt. | Iribarne, Baptiste (I8860)
733 | Baptiste Epelle, cadet of the house of Epelle and Gratianne Pedrottipi, cadette of Pedrottipiarenea, both in the Aldudes. Witnesses were Pierre Epelle, brother of the groom, Jean Laxague, nephew of the groom, Jean Ehelle, nephew of the groom and Gratian Etchepare, all of the Aldudes. | Family: Jean Baptiste Ephele / Gratianne Oxalde or Pedrottipia (F2016)
734 | Baptiste Ernet, son of Jean Ernet and Marie Otxarrapegui, owners of the house of Chokhorenia. His godparents were Baptiste Itzainarena, grand uncle and Catherine Ernet, cadette of the house of this name. | Ernet, Baptiste (I5989)
735 | Baptiste Harosteguy, 37 years old, farmer, married, died in his house of Chitchastenia. | Harosteguy, Baptiste (I12899)
736 | Baptiste Icainarena, about 60 years old, owner of the borde of Donhaleguibehere. Witnesses were Joannes de Lephobelza, inheritor of the house of Lephobelza and Joannes de Leiciarena, inheritor of Marmaroena. | Itcainarena, Jean Baptiste (I7454)
737 | Baptiste Igoa, farmer, living in Urepel, widower of Gratianne Etchepare, died in the house of Madaria in this village, 75 years old. | Igoa, Baptiste (I13463)
738 | Baptiste Iribarne, cadet of the house of Manechunarena and Marie, inheritor of the house of Cubiarinchahar in this parish. Witnesses were Pierre Iribarne and Jean Iribarne, brother and cousin of the groom, Pierre Cuburu and Jean Cuburu, brothers of the bride. | Family: Baptiste Iribarne / Marie Cuburu (F1998)
739 | Baptiste Iribarren, 74 years old, farmer, born and living in this village, widower to Marie Oronos, son of Jean Iribarren and Marie Indaburu, died in the house of Etcheberria in this village. | Iribarren, Baptiste (I5315)
740 | Baptiste Iribarren, son of Pierre Iribarren, farmer (laboreur) and Jeanne Indaboure. In the margin was written "de Arambel". Witnesses were Miguel Harriet, 61 years old farmer and Samson Hiriart, 28 years old secretary of the mayor. | Iribarne, Baptiste (I4361)
741 | Baptiste Irissarry, chocolate maker, 75 years old, married to Martina Setoain, died in the house of Chocolateroenia in this village. | Irisarri/Irissarry, Bautista/Baptiste (I13221)
742 | Baptiste Itcaina, cadet of the house of Jacalus, 28 years old. Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, sonneur des cloches and Jean Salaberry, schoolmaster. | Jacaluz, Jean Baptiste (I6814)
743 | Baptiste Jaccalucenia, son of Salvat Jaccalucenia and Marie de Sabatenia, Spanish, owners of the borde of Sabatenia in the Aldudes. His godparents were Baptiste de Jaccalucenia, cadet of this house and Marie de Sourginenia, owner of Sourginenia. | Jacaluz, Baptiste (I7554)
744 | Baptiste Lepobelca and Jeanne Barcelone, his wife, declared the birth of a daughter named Marie. | Amestoy, Marie (I15100)
745 | Baptiste Malcho, died in the hospital of the marine in this city of Rochefort, 34 years old, born in the Aldudes, department of Basses-Pyrenees, son of Baptiste Malcho and Marie Arroquy. | Malcho, Baptiste (I4808)
746 | Baptiste Oxaart, 40 years old and Jeanne Erreca, his wife, owners of Ferrandorenabehere declared the birth of their son named Jean. Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old farmer and Jean Inda dit Akerra, 54 years old garde bois. | Oxarart, Jean (I9243)
747 | Baptiste Oxarart, born 6/19/1766, natural son of Christophe Oxarart and Jeanne Saroiberry, living in their lifetime in the house of Changala in Guermiette. Jeanne Erreca, born 5/10/1761, daughter of Jean Erreca and Catherine Ihitcague, owners of Ferranyobehere in this village. They declared that they had 3 children, Jean Oxarart, 32 years old, Catherine and Jean, 23 years old. Witnesses were Charles Semarsou, health officer (officier de sante), Baptiste Ardans farmer 34 years old, Michel Ihitcague farmer 38 years old and Michel Bidondo farmer 44 years old. | Family: Baptiste Oxarart / Jeanne Erreca (F2338)
748 | Baptiste Oxarart, farmer, 6? years old, married, died in the house of Ferranyobehere. Witnesses were Jean Ausquie, farmer, 48 years old and Baptiste Ardans, farmer, 38 years old. | Oxarart, Baptiste (I7910)
749 | Baptiste spent time in the Pampas of Argentina before returning to France to marry and raise a family. | Esponda, Baptiste (I56)
750 | Baptiste Uhalde, farmer, 80 years old, living in Urepel, widower of Marie Ohaco, died in the house of Baptistarenia in this village. | Uhalde, Jean or Baptiste (I7022)