
Matches 4,801 to 4,850 of 21,394

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4801 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Esponda, Jeanne (I4664)
4802 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Arrambide or Mocarte, Marie (I4681)
4803 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Arroqui, Marie (I4706)
4804 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Saroiberry or Bidondo, Jeanne (I4719)
4805 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Poco, Marie (I3358)
4806 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Iribarren, Catherine (I4731)
4807 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Ohaco, Jeanne (I4768)
4808 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Igusquiaguerre, Jeanne (I4780)
4809 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Bidart, Louise (I4821)
4810 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Arroquy or Coscorrechilo, Francoise (I4279)
4811 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Erreca, Marie (I4008)
4812 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Erreca, Catherine (I3874)
4813 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Ihitcague, Marie (I4083)
4814 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Barrandeguy, Jeanne (I7216)
4815 Her birth information was also found on her marriage record. Her parents were noted as owners of the house of Gastealacotto (dit vulgairement Orata). Gastealacotto, Marie (I428)
4816 Her birth information was also found on her parents marriage record. Etcheverry, Jeanne (I4783)
4817 Her birth information was also found on her son Benjamin's birth record. Pas, Madeleine (I17097)
4818 Her birth information was found in her marriage record. Etchart, Marie (I17054)
4819 Her birth information was found in the margin of her birth record. Her parents were Philippe Harispe and Marie Pouchoulouteguy, owners of the house of Pouchoulouteguy in Ahaxe. Harispe, Marie (I22893)
4820 Her birth information was found in the margin of her marriage record. Biscaichipy, Gratianne (I1479)
4821 Her birth information was found in the margin of her marriage record. Ocafrain, Jeanne (I23301)
4822 Her birth information was found in the margin of her marriage record. Her parents Michel Iriarte and Louise Leyerena. Iriarte, Edouarde (I15461)
4823 Her birth information was found in the margin of her marriage record. Her parents were Pierre Maillot and Dominica Erdozaincy. Maillot, Marianne (I22564)
4824 Her birth information was found on her birth record. Ernaut, Marie (I4000)
4825 Her birth information was found on her birth record. Franchez, Isabeau/Elisabeth (I12160)
4826 Her birth information was found on her birth record. Her parents were Guillaume Lassere and Magdelaine ?? of Gourdan. Lassere, Bernarde/Bernardette (I16059)
4827 Her birth information was found on her children's marriage records. Yndaburu, Francisca (I14659)
4828 Her birth information was found on her death record. Her parents were not noted. Ansagno, Josefa Balbina (I22121)
4829 Her birth information was found on her death record. No birth record was found in the Aldude register. Ihitcague, Catherine (I22866)
4830 Her birth information was found on her death record. There is no birth record in Urepel on this date for this individual.  Elgart, Simone (I23202)
4831 Her birth information was found on her marriage and death records. Urricariet, Marie (I9678)
4832 Her birth information was found on her marriage record and it noted that she was 38 years old at that time. Apharain, Marie (I5783)
4833 Her birth information was found on her marriage record but there is no actual birth record found in Baigorry. Brust, Jeanne (I14245)
4834 Her birth information was found on her marriage record but was different from the birth record in Irouleguy. Iriquy, Gratianne (I11274)
4835 Her birth information was found on her marriage record including that she was the sister of her husband's first wife Catherine. Doux, Jeanne-Marie (I19447)
4836 Her birth information was found on her marriage record.
Ernaga, Marie (I3055)
4837 Her birth information was found on her marriage record.
Her parents were Baptiste Aicaguer and Marie Orthas. 
Aicaguer, Marie (I19566)
4838 Her birth information was found on her marriage record.
Her parents were Michel Etchalus, deceased in Baigorry in 1793 and Catherine Lagarriague, owners of the house of Lagarriague in the village of Baigorry. 
Etchaluz, Catherine (I4981)
4839 Her birth information was found on her marriage record.
Her parents were Paul Bordenave and Luci Jaymot. 
Bordenave, Marguerite (I19676)
4840 Her birth information was found on her marriage record.
(Note: no actual record was found on this date in the registers and this birth is in conflict with another daughter of Marie Uharriet in 1784. Further research necessary.) 
Arrambide, Elisabet/Isabelle (I5229)
4841 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Sansinena, Maria-Isadora (I11197)
4842 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Larraburu or Jacachury, Catherine (I3065)
4843 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Ausquie, Jeanne (I3351)
4844 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Uhalde or Aguerre, Dominique (I819)
4845 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Franchessena or Lautre, Marie (I3788)
4846 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Antonena dit Urquiloux, Jeanne (I3791)
4847 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Betat, Marie (I3852)
4848 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Hiriart dit Arastaguieta, Marie or Dominique (I3869)
4849 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Inda, Dominica (I3926)
4850 Her birth information was found on her marriage record. Laxague, Marie (I3984)

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