Matches 23,701 to 23,737 of 23,737
# | Notes | Linked to |
23701 | Witnesses were Pierre Oxarart, farmer 48 years old and Bernard Bidondo, 34 years old farmer. | Coscarart or Atchaurra or Uhalde, Jeanne/Magna (I4257)
23702 | Witnesses were Pierre Sarrail and Mary Sarrail, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Jean/John Louis Sarrail-Lacarrieu / Madeline Sarrail-Lacarrieu (F4888)
23703 | Witnesses were Pierre, cadet of the house of Etchart, Antoine and Pierre Etchart, uncle and brothers of the grrom and Jean, owner of the house of Betchoume, father of the bride. The couple's names were not mentioned but the witness information provides enough information along with the Marriage contract to confirm this as the marriage record for this couple. | Family: Michel Erreca or Elicondo / Marie Gariador (F1029)
23704 | Witnesses were Ramon Bille and Primitiva Yturri, both of Los Angeles. Officiant was Fr. Gratian Ardans and wedding took place at the Plaza Church. | Family: Martin Loperena / Gregoria Yturry (F5548)
23705 | Witnesses were Raymond Jaureguiberry of Artesia and Leonie Laborde of Puente. The were married at Mount Carmel, Simons brickyard by Fr. Charles Espelette. | Family: Antoine/Anton Harismendy / Claire Sallet (F5105)
23706 | Witnesses were Ricardo Egues and Bruna Anso, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Vicente Yriarte / Dominica Echeverria (F5567)
23707 | Witnesses were Riego Ardanaz and Simona Echabarne, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Demofilo Ardanaz / Martha B. Echabarne (F5266)
23708 | Witnesses were Romualdo Ybarrola and Modesta Lain, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Ygnacio Ybarrola / Jacinta Vidal (F4647)
23709 | Witnesses were Salustiano Sansinena and Mary Etchezahar, both of El Toro. | Family: Augustin Bruno Mujica / Mary Louise Saldua Ustariz (F4759)
23710 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, 28 years old secretary of the mayor and Miguel Harriet 60 years old farmer. | Gachiteguy, Pierre (I4189)
23711 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary of the mayor 27 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old. | Laxague, Pierre (I3013)
23712 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary of the mayor 27 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old. | Larraburu or Oquihandy, Catherine (I502)
23713 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary of the mayor 27 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old. | Bidondo, Martin (I4190)
23714 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary of the mayor 27 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old. | Chaharra dit Arambel, Marie (I1107)
23715 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary of the mayor 28 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old. | Arroquy, Marie (I4186)
23716 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary to the mayor 27 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old. | Cahargun, Marie (I4191)
23717 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary to the mayor 28 years old and Miguel Harriet, 60 years old farmer. | Loustau, Antoine (I4247)
23718 | Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary to the mayor 28 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 28 years old. | Hasquet, Jean or Martin (I378)
23719 | Witnesses were Samson Ithurriague, surgeon, owner of the house of Ithurriague, Pierre Apecetche, cadet of Apecetche of St. Just, Sebastian Etcheperestou, cadet of Etcheperestou and Jean Jaureguy, young owner of the house of Jaureguy in Behorleguy. | Family: Michel Etcheperestou / Marie Etchevers (F1071)
23720 | Witnesses were Serafin Marticorena and Sebastiana Caballero, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Juan Jose Bertiz / Magdalena/Madeline Arocena (F5394)
23721 | Witnesses were Simon Larre and Gregoria Marticorena, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Jean/John Esponda Coscarart / Manuela/Nellie Diebignon (F4816)
23722 | Witnesses were Telesforo Latasa of Palms and Raimunda Arguedas of Los Angeles. | Family: Nicosia Latasa / Eugenia Ardanaz (F5507)
23723 | Witnesses were Tony Ragusa and Mary Erro, both of Los Angeles. (Note: Mary Erro and Mary Gracien were cousins.) Officiant was Fr. Gratian Ardans. | Family: Filippi/Philip Ragusa / Marie/Mary Gracien (F5555)
23724 | Witnesses were Urbain Taix and Made Alphonse, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Martin Grimaud / Marie Espelet (F5127)
23725 | Witnesses were Venancio Haran and Marta Jauregui, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Salvat/Salvador Labat / Isabel Arambel (F4371)
23726 | Witnesses were Y. (Ysidro) Eseverri and D. (Dolores) Eseverri of Fullerton. | Family: Felix Yriarte / Celestina Lorea (F4611)
23727 | Written as Bidainia by Pierre Etcheverry | Maitia, Jeanne (I155)
23728 | WWI record indicates that he was born on 18 Jan 1877. | Oyharzabal, Etienne/Esteban (I16271)
23729 | Xaviera San Julian, 88 years old, housewife, born in Aurizberry (Espinal), Spain, widow of Martin Poutun-Saroiberry, died in the house of Bastanchury in this village. | San Julian Saragueta, Maria Javiera (I13906)
23730 | Year of death was noted on his daughter Marie's marriage record. | Arretche, Arnaud (I811)
23731 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Yturri, Frances (I2203)
23732 | Ygnacio Troconiz was 73 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "N". | Troconiz, Ygnacio (I16350)
23733 | Yosepha Billanueva, married, farmer, married, renter (locataire) of the house of Chalbador. | Villanueva, Maria Josepha (I714)
23734 | Ysabelle Harriet, farmer (cultivatrice), widow, 91 years old, elder owner of the house of Martinpoco. Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, brigadier forestier, 64 years old, owner of the house of Errientainia and Jean Arrambide, farmer (cultivateur), 62 years old, owner of the house of Martinpoco. Note: it is unclear who this Jean Arrambide is. Further research necessary. | Harriet, Elisabet/Isabel (I516)
23735 | Zaldibar was included as part of last name. | Zaldibar Guerricagoitia Uberuaga, Juan Maria (I631)
23736 | Zoe Pindat was 82 years old when she died. | Pindat-Sajeu, Marie Zoe (I19336)
23737 | ZZ Denard was 7 hours old when he died. | Denard, Baptiste (I20368)