Matches 23,301 to 23,350 of 23,743
# | Notes | Linked to |
23301 | This record is in conflict with the one for Marie d'Itcainarena born two months later. | Cohieta, Francisca (I9775)
23302 | This record is repeated on 7/9/1849. It is unclear which is the proper birth record. | Ocafrain, Gratianne (I13231)
23303 | This record might belong to another individual. Further research necessary. | Oxarart, Michel/Miguel (I9865)
23304 | This record noted that he was born in St. Jean Pied de Port. | Erratchu/Erratchuo, Jean/Juan (I17039)
23305 | This record said he was born in 1859 | Elgart, Bertrand (I15803)
23306 | This record says that she was 60 when she died which is assumed to be in error. | Falxa, Dominique (I11746)
23307 | This record was found in both the registers of Les Aldudes and Urepel. The house was called Buruchury in Aldudes and Gnaeuraunenia in Urepel. This is probably the same house. | Inda, Pierre or Betry (I3634)
23308 | This record was record was posted in both the registers of Aldude and Urepel. | Coscarart, Antoine (I1178)
23309 | This seems to be a duplicate record of the one above but 2 months later recorded on 11/21/1720 and found on page 835. Joannes d'Itzainarena, son of Joannes d'Itzainaren and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Urzucelaya in the Aldudes. His godparents were Joannes de Pocorena and Marie de Pocorena, father and daughter. | Itcainarena, Jean Baptiste/Joannes (I8572)
23310 | This surname could also be Verjera or Bergara. | Vergara, Martina (I7028)
23311 | This surname found in Ascarat but no record of his birth or surrounding villages. | Emateguy, Miguel (I17031)
23312 | This testament is for Marie Tihista, owner of Ithurrieta. This further confuses understanding this individual because there does not seem to be any other records that show her as the owner of Ithurrieta. | Tihista, Marie (I11677)
23313 | This was a double ring ceremony with her sister Jennie. | Family: Martin Barbaste / Marian Chotro (F4476)
23314 | This was a double ring ceremony with her sister Marian. | Family: Jean Antoine Carricaburu / Juanita/Jennie Chotro (F4475)
23315 | This was a double ring ceremony with her sister Marie Jeanne. | Family: Frederick Fidele Eyraud / Marie Etchamendy (F4491)
23316 | This was a double ring ceremony with her sister Marie. | Family: Frederic Gottfried Jenny / Marie Jeanne Etchamendy (F4490)
23317 | This was an acte of Notariete from the tribunal of St. Palais which declared his birth in 1786. It was stated that the original document was burned in the war between France and Spain in 1794. The document also noted that he had two sisters, Marie ditte Pathilly and Marie ditte Nimingoa. | Harispe, Gratian (I4234)
23318 | This was debt that was paid in favor of Jeanne Chochoa (Pierre was not mentioned so possibly deceased) from Jean Etcheverry, who was living in Archanchury at this time. | Chochoa (Nini), Jeanne/Managno (I1225)
23319 | This was the first marriage performed in the Notre Dame des Victoire Catholic church in San Francisco. | Family: Bonaventure/Benjamin Dolheguy / Gratianne Oyhanburu (F5523)
23320 | This was the retirement home she lived in for the last 5 years of her life. | Esponda, Marianne (I5)
23321 | This would make him born in 1779. | Franchez, Mathieu (I13386)
23322 | Thomas Etcheberry, son of Michel Etcheberry, royal notary and Marie Harispe, owners of the house of Matchirenia. His godparents were Thomas Etcheberry, priest, living in the village of St. Jean Pied de Port, paternal uncle and Marie Harismendy, owner of the house of Elicabehere. | Etcheverry, Thomas (I23683)
23323 | To view photo of ship manifest, click on this link: http://www.ellisisland.org/search/shipManifest.asp?MID=10860264610014649664&LNM=BISCA&PLNM=BISCA&last_kind=1&town_kind=0&ship_kind=0&RF=634&PID=102364040383 | Biscay, John (Jean Biscaichipy) (I140)
23324 | Tomas Echegaray was a lodger in San Juan with Pedro & Marie Louise Changala, their children and another lodger, John Doray. He was 37 years old and single. He immigrated in 1912 and was a farm hand. | Echegaray, Tomas Gaspar (I17938)
23325 | Transaction in which Gratian Itcainarena of Donaleguy was accused by Jeanne Bercetche of Bidaurre that he solicited her for marriage but reneged and she sued for damages. She won. | Itcainarena, Gratian (I3991)
23326 | Translation provided by Andrea Bidart in 2012 | Mendionde, Dominique/Domingo (I160)
23327 | Tribute & Message From The Family Mary was born on March 12, 1931 and passed away on Wednesday, December 31, 2014. Mary was a resident of Laguna Hills, California at the time of her passing. She is survived by her husband Celestin. Services are Friday, 1/9/15 at 11:00 am at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel, Capistrano Beach, CA. In lieu of flowers, the family would request donations in her memory to be made to the Serra Catholic School Chapel fund. Checks should be made out to Serra Catholic School with 'in memory of Mary Reallon' on the memo line. Source: www.tributes.com | Ermigarat, Mary Antoinette (I17876)
23328 | Tristan de Licerasse, inheritor of the house of Picociague and Marie, daughter of the house of Beherecoetche in St. Etienne. Witnesses were Jean, son of Erremerreca, Bertrand, inheritor of Sarry, Jean, owner of Aguerre in St. Etienne and Domingo, inheritor of Mendizahar. | Family: Tristan Xavier Licerasse dit Etchechury / Marie Larrondo (F6970)
23329 | Tristan Etchechury, son of Jean Etchechury and Jeanne Igusquiaguerre, owners of Picociacoharotcarenea in the Aldudes. His godparents were Tristan Etchechuri, paternal uncle and Gracianne Igusquiaguerre, maternal aunt. | Etchechury, Tristan (I10944)
23330 | Tristan Langariette, son of Pierre Langariette, owner of the new house of Louissenia and Gratianne Bisencie, his wife. His godparents were Tristan Faure, elder owner of Louissenia and Dominique Etchechury, sharecropper (metayer) of the house of Apechenia. | Langariette or Blancaire, Tristan (I3443)
23331 | Tristan Xavier d'Etchechoury, son of Joannes d'Etchechoury and Catherine de Sarry, owners of the house of Etchechoury in St. Etienne. His godparents were the noble Tristan Xavier, Abbot de Licerasse, priest of ?? and theology and Catherine d'Alpharo, maternal grandmother. | Licerasse dit Etchechury, Tristan Xavier (I7387)
23332 | Tristand Gacheteguy, son of Jean Gacheteguy and Marie Oronos, owners of the house of Lekhayo in the quartier of Oyhansoro, 1 day old. Witnesses were Joannes Iribarne and Gracian Urruty. | Gachiteguy, Tristant (I24599)
23333 | Tristand Gachiteguy, son of Jean Gachiteguy and Marie Oronoz, owners of the house of Lekhayo in the quartier of Oihansoro. His godparents were Tristand Gachiteguy, paternal grandfather and Jeanne Gachiteguy, paternal aunt. | Gachiteguy, Tristant (I24599)
23334 | Tristand, elder owner of the house of Picocia, about 68 years old. Witnesses were Jean Picocia, son of the deceased and Bernard Urrelz. | Licerasse dit Etchechury, Tristan Xavier (I7387)
23335 | Tristant de Besancie, son of Jean de Besancie, muletier of the mill of M. Vicecount of Echaux and Marie de Faure, owners adventif of the house of Louisena in St. Etienne. His godparents were Tristant de Faure, maternal uncle and Marthe de Laborde, paternal grandmother. | Besancie, Tristant (I3705)
23336 | Tristant, son of Bernagnorena, border with Me. Licerasse. 14 years old. Witnesses were Jean, elder owner of Beherecoetche and Jean, owner of Jaureguy. | Bernagnoa, Tristan (I11675)
23337 | Tristant, son of the nicknamed Beragno, sharecropper (metayer) of Me. Licerasse and Jeanne Anchanoinia. His godparents were Tristant Zavier of Licerasse, priest and Jeanne d'Etcheverribehere of Oticoren, young owner of Bourouloucena of Eyheralde, maternal cousin. | Bernagnoa, Tristan (I11675)
23338 | Two brothers, both named Jean Iriart share the estate of their parents and two brothers who all died in 1834. | Iriart, Jean (I1339)
23339 | Two documents for Raimond Biscaichipi, owner of the house of Larronde in St. Jean le Vieux exchanging a parcel of land with Laurent Irouleguy, owner of the house of Inharban in St. Jean le Vieux. Note: There was no Raimond Biscaichipy in the civil actes, so it is assumed that this is Jean Biscaichipy but it is possible it could be his child. Need confirmation with another Notary record. | Biscaichipy, Jean Raymond (I971)
23340 | Two twin girls named Marie, daughters of Gratian de Morroin and Marie d'Etchegaray, owners of the house of Copena in Oyhansoro. Godparents of one were Jean d'Elicondo, great uncle maternal and Marie Arambel, grand aunt paternal and the other were Jean d'Antonena, paternal cousin and Marie de Harguina, little maternal aunt. | Morroin, Marie (I21285)
23341 | Two twin girls named Marie, daughters of Gratian de Morroin and Marie d'Etchegaray, owners of the house of Copena in Oyhansoro. Godparents of one were Jean d'Elicondo, great uncle maternal and Marie Arambel, grand aunt paternal and the other were Jean d'Antonena, paternal cousin and Marie de Harguina, little maternal aunt. | Morroin, Marie (I23896)
23342 | Unable to determine the parents of these siblings. They are clearly siblings according to obituary and census records but unable to match birth records in the Basque country. There is another sibling Domingo Martinez mentioned but but unable to connect him to a Domingo Martinez (1879-1920) who also lived in LA. Further research necessary. | Family: Parent Martinez / (F5483)
23343 | Unable to determine which family she comes from. | Arrambide, Marie/Mary (I20037)
23344 | Unable to find a birth record for him. His mother is listed as Marie Martinez in the Social Security records and as Yuanandi on his death record. Further research necessary. | Iribarne/Eribarne, Bernard (Ben) (I19947)
23345 | Unable to find a birth record for this individual in any of the villages or surrounding villages that start with St. Martin. Further research necessary. | Iriart, Jean (I15883)
23346 | Unable to find a marriage record for this couple. | Family: Pierre Carriquiry / Dominique Bordenave (F5942)
23347 | Unable to find a record for his birth in the Spanish indexes. | Samallua/Zamallua, Manuel (I20621)
23348 | Unable to find a record of her birth in the Osses registers. Further research necessary. | Castorene, Maria Leonides (I20708)
23349 | Unable to find a record of this marriage. There were noted as married on their son Jean's birth record in 1859. | Family: Jean Etchegaray / Jeanne Pilaria (F3769)
23350 | Unable to find birth record for this individual. He is probably descendant of an earlier sibling of Arambelia (possibly Innocent Etchebers). His marriage record states he is the cousin of Bertrand Arambel (b. 1727) would fit this family. Further research necessary. | Etchebers or Arambel, Mathieu/Mathias (I3642)