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 #   Notes   Linked to 
21751 There is a death record on 9/11/1888 the indicates Catherine Etchart, 14 years old, unemployed, daughter of Antoine Etchart and Marie Saldubehere, died in the house of Checalegaray in this village. Since this Catherine married in 1909, it is unclear who this other Catherine is. Etchart, Catherine (I14288)
21752 There is a death record with the following inscription that fits this individual but it conflicts with a later marriage record.
Gratian Mariluch, 7 years old, son of Michel Mariluch and Jeanne Caldubehere, died in the house of Tambourin in this village. 
Mariluch, Gratian (I10946)
21753 There is a different birth date shown on her death record, however, her marriage record has the 1/25/1843 birth date and there is a birth record found on that day, therefore it is assumed that the death record is incorrect. Jaureguy, Marie (I16735)
21754 There is a family name of Boulouteguy that married with the Biscailuz family in Hasparren in 1830. Unable to find Belategui in Basque archives so this might be a match, although no Jeanne Boulouteguy found around that time. Further research necessary. Belategui, Jeanne/Juana (I16875)
21755 There is a Findagrave record of a John Sorhondo, born 1888 and died in Santa Barbara in 1923 that is a possible match for this person. Further research necessary. 
Sorhondo, Jean (I14832)
21756 There is a Gratian Ahuncain in the record of Banca. He was born on 6/14/1856 at the home of Erregue in Banca. His parents were Antoine Ahuncain and Catherine Amestoy. Further research needed to confirm match.
Source: Banca 1853-1856 births page 24 
Ahauntchain, Gracian (I15794)
21757 There is a Gratianne Arancet born in Larressore on 3/25/1822 to Martin Arancet and Saubadine Larrabure which might be a match for this individual. Further research necessary. Arancet, Gracianna (I12197)
21758 There is a Jean Biscailuz born in Hasparren in 1805. Further research necessary. Biscailuz, Jean Baptiste (I16874)
21759 There is a Jean Goihenetche born in Les Aldudes on 3/23/1819 that is a possible match. Further research necessary to confirm. Goyheneche, Jean (I16662)
21760 There is a Jean Itcaina born in Les Aldudes on 9/16/1859 to Jean Itcaina and Jeanne Oxarart, owners of Gasteaguerre but no Martin Itcaina in this time period. More research necessary. Itzaina, Martin (I15953)
21761 There is a Jean Urrels who was born on 9/15/1850 at Ehaileachahara in Les Aldudes. His parents were Michel Urrels and Jeanne Alfaro. This could be a match but further research necessary.
Source: Les Aldudes 1843-1852 births page 87 
Urreltz, Jean (I16375)
21762 There is a Jeanne Heguy who died in Urepel on 4/3/1860 that is a possible match. A record on Geneanet indicates she was living in the Aldudes following the marriage of a son. Further research necessary to confirm. Heguy, Jeanne (I21293)
21763 There is a John Urricariet living with Jean B. & Catherine Robidart in Rowland in 1920. The census record says he is their "adopted son" and age 7. Unknown if this is the same person. More research necessary. Urricariet, John Baptiste (I17245)
21764 There is a Jose Aguirre who died in San Francisco on 11/1/1938 at 55 years old age. Further research to confirm this is the correct person. Aguirre, Jose Luis (I16287)
21765 There is a judgement recorded in the margin of his birth record that gives a date in 1903 but the rest of the information is blurry. Laxague, Ferdinand (I14380)
21766 There is a Manuel Antonio Anguizola Arteche born in the village of Busturia-Axpe in the province of Vizcaya, Spain which may be a match for this individual. He was born on 9/7/1817 and his parents were Manuel Anguizola Urquiza and Maria Josefa Arteche Ynchausti. Further research necessary to confirm. Anguisola, Manuel Antonio (I19483)
21767 There is a margin note on her birth record that she married Louis Gros on 10/29/1904. This must be an error because of her marriage in 1903 to Telesforo Erro in Los Angeles. Her naturalization papers confirm this birth record as her. Etchart, Catherine (I16483)
21768 There is a Marie Belca born in Betricaina in Banca in 1821 that is a possible match. Further research needed. Belca, Marie (I14547)
21769 There is a Marie in this family that has the same birthdate on other records. It is unclear which sister really was born on this date and the other one was likely born later and their birth was not record. Further research to confirm. Arroquy, Marie (I13468)
21770 There is a Marie in this family that has the same birthdate on other records. It is unclear which sister was born on this date and the other one was likely born a year of tlater and their birth was not recorded. Further research to confirm. Arroquy, Marie dite Gratianne (I22254)
21771 There is a Marie Urrutia born on 9/18/1829 which is a possible match for this person. Her parents were Patchico Urrutia and Josephe Aguerre who were renters of the house of Pelochoenia. Further research needed to confirm. Urruty or Alfaro, Marie (I11625)
21772 There is a Marie-Jeanne born on 10/9/1919 to this couple. Further research necessary to confirm it is the correct child for this marriage. Etchebarren, Marie (I15231)
21773 There is a marriage record for Juan Bautista Arrambide Lespade with Maria Elena Noemi Vauquelin Camiade on 6/22/1887 in San Sebastian on the Mendezmende archives of Guipuzcoa. This is probably a match but further research to confirm before adding this marriage. Arrambide, Jean (I13564)
21774 There is a marriage record for this couple in the Argentina Marriage 1722-1911 at They were married at Nuestra Señora De La Asunción, Avellaneda (Partido), Buenos Aires, Argentina on 6/12/1860. It is possible this marriage was not recognized after they returned to France. Family: Jean dit Gachte Biscaichipy / Marianne Saroiberry (F353)
21775 There is a marriage record in Baigorry for Pierre Gleize and Marie Miguelgorry which is part of this family. Glaize Betrieu, Pierre dit Piarrot (I4920)
21776 There is a marriage record in the Urepel registers for this couple on 8/4/1928 which was just before his death. 
Family: Dominique/Domingo Borderre / Marie/Marianna Aire (F5854)
21777 There is a Martin Barnetche born in Anhaux in 1753 that could be a match for this individual. Further research necessary. Barnetche, Martin (I12820)
21778 There is a mention of this marriage contract on a subsequent document in the Notary records of Michel Etcheverry in 1783 on page 459 
Family: Gratian Gachiteguy or Garciateguy or Artcainchahar / Gratianne Mariluch (F1160)
21779 There is a Mexican record showing that he lived in Zacatecas in 1849 and was a native of Itxassou in France. At this time, there is a couple named Leon Dolheguy and Agnes Teillery, owners of the house of Sabalou in Itxassou that had a number of children. None were named Bonaventure or close to that but due to the father's name being Leon and his son named the same, it is assumed this is the correct family. Dolheguy, Bonaventure/Benjamin (I20186)
21780 There is a notary record from M. Alhaste that shows his name as Eyharrasarry dit Pito.
Eyharasarry dit PIto, Joannes (I10121)
21781 There is a notation theat the end of the Urepel Birth records in 1906 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne in 1927.  Laxague, Marie (I11116)
21782 There is a notation in the margin of her birth record that indicates that she was married in 1905 to Jean Urricarriet, however, that notation is really for another Marie Etchart born in Oct. 1873. Etchart, Marie (I14280)
21783 There is a notation in the margin of her birth record that she left for America on 11/14/1903. Eyherabide, Marie (I21900)
21784 There is a notation in the margin of the Urepel Birth records in 1907 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne and also noting the names of his parents. Laxague, Pierre (I11117)
21785 There is a notation in the margin of the Urepel Birth records in 1910 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne in 1927.  Laxague, Catherine (I11118)
21786 There is a notation in the margin of the Urepel Birth records in 1912 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne in 1927.  Laxague, Pierre Leopold (I11119)
21787 There is a notation in the margin of the Urepel Birth records in 1916 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne in 1927. Laxague, Antoine (I11120)
21788 There is a notation in the margin of the Urepel Birth records in 1918 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne in 1927.  Laxague, Rosalie Marie (I11121)
21789 There is a notation in the margin of the Urepel Birth records in 1919 stating that this birth was declared in the tribunal of the Basses Pyrenees at Bayonne in 1927.  Laxague, Jean Baptiste (I11122)
21790 There is a notation on original card for a Jean Baptiste 9/13/1879 with godparents Bautista Salaberry & Concepcion Lorenzana (source unknown). Etchemendigaray/Etchemendy, Jean (I16560)
21791 There is a notation on the birth record that Borde de Zuburu is in St. Etienne. Unclear why they would register a birth in Les Aldudes, if it actually took place in St. Etienne? Gariador or Detchume, Catherine (I430)
21792 There is a note in the margin of her birth record that she was marriage on 2/22/1909 but her husband's name is unclear. It is possibly Ponte Anyr. Chotro, Jeanne (I13994)
21793 There is a note in the margin saying "Jean, the infant was a boy". Records in U.S. state that he was born on 4/25/1888 and 1886 but there is no other possible birth for this individual in Arneguy. Hasquet, Jean Pierre (Peter) (I13209)
21794 There is a Pierre Arroquy born on 11/20/1858 in Aldude which could be a match for this individual. His parents were Pierre Arroquy and Marie Chotro dit Betrisco of the house of Patcicoanchartenia. Further research necessary to confirm. Arroquy, Pierre (I16789)
21795 There is a Pierre Chafado born on 11/4/1761 in the house of Cocotchenia that could be a match for this family. Further research necessary. Source: Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 1144 Family: PIerre Garacotche or Oxarrapeguy / Marie Itcainarena (F1893)
21796 There is a Pierre Dornaleche born in Pascorenia, Hasparren on 12/17/1858 to Jean Dornaletche and Marie Labat. This is possibly the same person, further research necessary.
Source: Hasparren birth records 1853-1862 page 130 
Dornaleche, Pierre/Peter Charles (I16983)
21797 There is a possibility that she was born as Marie Etchegaray in Mendionde on 4/27/1850 to Jean Etchegaray and Catherine Olhasso. This would make her a first cousin to her husband. Further research necessary. 
Etchegaray, Estephanie/Stephane (I16214)
21798 There is a possible birth record match for this individual on 10/23/1723 with the surname of Erramuspe but most of the record is missing making it difficult to confirm. Erramouspe, Gratian (I21620)
21799 There is a record in the Urepel registers of 1913 that includes an Acte of Notariete for this individual. It denotes her birth date as 7/28/1889. It is unclear why the original record in 1889 was not used and she needed to file a court case to establish her birth before her marriage in 1913. Etchebarren, Marianne (I14925)
21800 There is a record on 1/11/1853 that says Jeanne Franchez, 1 year old, daughter of Jean Franchez and Marie Etchart, renters of the house of Gastiarcharria. It is unclear who this record is for since the eldest two daughters were married. Further research necessary. Franchez, Jeanne (I13347)

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