Matches 21,351 to 21,400 of 22,260
# | Notes | Linked to |
21351 | Their witnesses were John Mayo and Francisca Ustarraz, both of Los Angeles. | Family: Ygnacio/Ignacio Layana / Apolonia/Polonia Caballero (F4944)
21352 | Theodora Sentous was 71 years old when she died and her husband's initials were "J.G.". | Casanova, Maria Theodora (I18188)
21353 | There appears to be two Itcainarenas who were owners of Teilaguina and died around 1724 and 1725. It is unclear which one is the actual spouse of Jeanne Gorte. Further research necessary. | Itcainarena, Jean/Joannes (I9804)
21354 | There are birth records for this individual in both the registers of the Aldudes and Urepel. | Arambel, Marie (I11760)
21355 | There are discrepancies in the document as to her birthplace. Her husband's naturalization paper say she was born in Ventura, California and the 1930 census record says California. However, her death record, the 1910 & 1920 census records say she was born in France. There is even a ship record showing that Catherine Lacourreye arrived in 1909 and that she was born in 1886 in Escot, France. Her father is Pierre Lacourreye but there is not record for her in Escot. More research necessary. | Pouquette, Catherine (I17682)
21356 | There are duplicate death records for this individual in both the Aldude and Urepel registers. | Gastelecotto, Jeanne/Managno (I4880)
21357 | There are families in Mendigorria, Navarre who have the surnames of Maneru and Latorre/Lator around the time of her birth. Further research necessary to determine if this is the area where she was born. | Magnero de la Torre or Mendigorry, Francoise (I5928)
21358 | There are naturalization records from Arizona for him in 1944. No death records can be found but it is assumed he was in Arizona. | Erro, Gregorio (I19464)
21359 | There are no birth records available for An IX in Banca registers. Her birth was noted on her parent's marriage record in 1804. | Erramouspe, Marie (I11273)
21360 | There are no birth records in Orsanco for this individual at this time. Need to research surrounding villages. | Harostegui, Domingo (I16688)
21361 | There are no records for an individual by this name in San Sebastian or any surrounding villages at that time. | Yriarte/Iriart, Ignace (I58)
21362 | There are no records for another Marie born to Joannes Ausquiechuhy and Catherine Ernautena so this record for Jeanne is assumed to be Marie. Additionally, her godmother is noted as Janne, the infant's paternal grandmother. The infant's paternal grandmother was actually named Marie d'Etchepare, therefore adding to the proof that this record was actually in error. The infant's name should have been written as Marie and not Jeanne. | Ausquie or Ausquiechuhy, Marie (I4849)
21363 | There are no records in the registers of Urepel for a Hirigoyen around 1872. Need to review surrounding villages. | Hirigoyen, Marie Louise (I15955)
21364 | There are no records in the US after 1920 for this couple or their daughter, therefore, it is assumed that they moved back to France. | Family: Pierre Erreca / Augustina Lelievre (F5117)
21365 | There are no records of his birth in registers of Aldude or Urepel. His ship record indicates that he was Spanish born in the Aldudes which might mean he was from Kintoa. Further research necessary. | Coscarart, Anton (I18040)
21366 | There are no records that indicate she was born in Urepel. Further research necessary. | Erreca, Catherine (I18976)
21367 | There are three Catherine Inda's in this family, so this one was chosen randomly as the mother of this family. It is assumed that she is from this house because her brother Bernard was noted as godfather to her daughter Marie in 1783. Further research necessary to confirm. | Inda, Catherine (I3512)
21368 | There are two births in the records for this family at this time. There is one for Jeanne Ardans and a couple of records lager there is one for Marie Ardans. Both records note the same parents from Berhainia. It is assumed this is a duplicate record for the same person. | Ardans, Jeanne or Marie (I1226)
21369 | There are two Marie Irigaray's born as natural children to Marie Irigaray of the house of Quitteria in this period. At this point, it is assumed that the mother of the two Marie's are the same but further research necessary to confirm. This could be two different Marie's from the same family. | Irigaray, Marie (I4061)
21370 | There are two marriage acts recorded for this couple. Unknown as to why there was a second one on 2/29/1816. | Family: Antoine Chaharra Arambel / Elizabeth or Isabelle Etchebers or Ithurralde (F383)
21371 | There are two marriages for Jeanne Bidondo b. in 1854 in Ferranyobehere as well as two different death records. It is unclear when one of the two Jeanne's were born. Further research is necessary. | Bidondo, Jeanne (I22139)
21372 | There are two marriages for Jeanne Bidondo b. in 1854 in Ferranyobehere as well as two different death records. It is unclear when one of the two Jeanne's were born. Further research is necessary. | Bidondo, Jeanne (I14778)
21373 | There are two marriages that have Jean Etchebarren dit Chubitoa with the same birth date as the groom. Both are listed as part of this family with the same date but they must be two different individuals and one of the birth dates is incorrect. Further research necessary. | Etchebarren or Chubitoa, Jean (I4280)
21374 | There are two marriages that have Jean Etchebarren dit Chubitoa with the same birth date as the groom. Both are listed as part of this family with the same date but they must be two different individuals and one of the birth dates is incorrect. Further research necessary. | Etchebarren dit Chubitoa, Jean (I7790)
21375 | There is a Baptiste Alsuet who died on 3/8/06 and was 48 years old when he died. This would make him born in 1858. This would be a match with Valentine but need further research to determine which first name is correct. | Alzuet, Valentine/Balentin (I18130)
21376 | There is a birth record for this couple with the name of Gratianne. This could be a match for this individual but no other records used that first name. Marie's birth may not have been recorded. | Etchechury, Marie (I16257)
21377 | There is a birth record for Johnnie Ardantz in this time frame with a mother of Arambel but no birth for Gracian. It assumed they are the same person. | Ardantz, Johnnie Graciano (I18176)
21378 | There is a conflict between date of birth and court case. Need more information to determine accuracy of this entry. | Lassalette, Eugene (I16071)
21379 | There is a death record for a Jeanne Arrambide on 5/9/1898 who died in the house of Chabagno, however, her husband is noted as Jean and her parents were Pierre Arrambide and Marie Etcheverry. Further research necessary to confirm whether there was an error on this record. | Arrambide, Jeanne (I2814)
21380 | There is a death record in Behorleguy registers on 24 Germinal An IV for a Jean Gorostiague. It is unclear whether the same person, more research necessary. (Behorleguy AnIV-1806 deaths page 2) | Gorostiague dit Leyssa, Jean (I2458)
21381 | There is a death record in the Aldudes for a Catherine Saroihandy on 10/1/1899 that matches this person except the record states that she was single. Further research necessary to add this death record. | Saroihandy, Catherine (I11992)
21382 | There is a death record on 2/7/1832 in the Aldudes registers for Marie Mentaberry, 78 years old, who died in the house of Urquiloux which might be a match for this individual. Further research necessary. Source: | Garacoetche or Uhalde, Marie (I3622)
21383 | There is a death record on 4/7/1832 in the Baigorry records for "Mistress of Joannahandy in the quartier of Ouzacelhay, about 50 years old" that could be a match for this individual. If so, the age would be incorrect. Further research necessary. | Poco, Marie (I10531)
21384 | There is a death record on 5/8/1935 for a Marie Tihista born to this couple on 5/10/1860. It is unknown which death record is accurate for this individual. Further research necessary. | Tihista, Marie (I3093)
21385 | There is a death record on 8/16/1859 for this individual but her birth date is shown on her marriage record, so it is unclear which one is right. Gracieuse Coscarart, 1 year old, daughter of Pierre Coscarart and Gratianne Cuburu, died in her house of Bethipericorenia. | Coscarart, Gratianne/Gracieuse (I13730)
21386 | There is a death record on 9/11/1888 the indicates Catherine Etchart, 14 years old, unemployed, daughter of Antoine Etchart and Marie Saldubehere, died in the house of Checalegaray in this village. Since this Catherine married in 1909, it is unclear who this other Catherine is. | Etchart, Catherine (I14288)
21387 | There is a death record with the following inscription that fits this individual but it conflicts with a later marriage record. Gratian Mariluch, 7 years old, son of Michel Mariluch and Jeanne Caldubehere, died in the house of Tambourin in this village. | Mariluch, Gratian (I10946)
21388 | There is a different birth date shown on her death record, however, her marriage record has the 1/25/1843 birth date and there is a birth record found on that day, therefore it is assumed that the death record is incorrect. | Jaureguy, Marie (I16735)
21389 | There is a family name of Boulouteguy that married with the Biscailuz family in Hasparren in 1830. Unable to find Belategui in Basque archives so this might be a match, although no Jeanne Boulouteguy found around that time. Further research necessary. | Belategui, Jeanne/Juana (I16875)
21390 | There is a Findagrave record of a John Sorhondo, born 1888 and died in Santa Barbara in 1923 that is a possible match for this person. Further research necessary. | Sorhondo, Jean (I14832)
21391 | There is a Gratian Ahuncain in the record of Banca. He was born on 6/14/1856 at the home of Erregue in Banca. His parents were Antoine Ahuncain and Catherine Amestoy. Further research needed to confirm match. Source: Banca 1853-1856 births page 24 | Ahauntchain, Gracian (I15794)
21392 | There is a Gratianne Arancet born in Larressore on 3/25/1822 to Martin Arancet and Saubadine Larrabure which might be a match for this individual. Further research necessary. | Arancet, Gracianna (I12197)
21393 | There is a Jean Biscailuz born in Hasparren in 1805. Further research necessary. | Biscailuz, Jean Baptiste (I16874)
21394 | There is a Jean Goihenetche born in Les Aldudes on 3/23/1819 that is a possible match. Further research necessary to confirm. | Goyheneche, Jean (I16662)
21395 | There is a Jean Itcaina born in Les Aldudes on 9/16/1859 to Jean Itcaina and Jeanne Oxarart, owners of Gasteaguerre but no Martin Itcaina in this time period. More research necessary. | Itzaina, Martin (I15953)
21396 | There is a Jean Urrels who was born on 9/15/1850 at Ehaileachahara in Les Aldudes. His parents were Michel Urrels and Jeanne Alfaro. This could be a match but further research necessary. Source: Les Aldudes 1843-1852 births page 87 | Urreltz, Jean (I16375)
21397 | There is a Jeanne Heguy who died in Urepel on 4/3/1860 that is a possible match. A record on Geneanet indicates she was living in the Aldudes following the marriage of a son. Further research necessary to confirm. | Heguy, Jeanne (I21293)
21398 | There is a John Urricariet living with Jean B. & Catherine Robidart in Rowland in 1920. The census record says he is their "adopted son" and age 7. Unknown if this is the same person. More research necessary. | Urricariet, John Baptiste (I17245)
21399 | There is a Jose Aguirre who died in San Francisco on 11/1/1938 at 55 years old age. Further research to confirm this is the correct person. | Aguirre, Jose Luis (I16287)
21400 | There is a judgement recorded in the margin of his birth record that gives a date in 1903 but the rest of the information is blurry. | Laxague, Ferdinand (I14380)