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Matches 20,351 to 20,400 of 22,471

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
20351 possibly Jean Pierre Labat, Jean Pierre/Pedro (I15990)
20352 Possibly Jeane and wife of Juan Dornaleche Dornaleche, Jean (I16980)
20353 Possibly spelled Sallaberry Salaberry, Bautista (I16312)
20354 Possibly Walker? Unknown, Nancy (I2932)
20355 Prior to her marriage in 1892, there was a notation entered in the margin of her birth record which recognized Jean Iribarren as her father. Silvety Iribarren, Marie (I13449)
20356 Prominent member of Los Angeles Society in 19th century. It is unclear as to his ancestry, until detemined I am omitting detailed information. Family includes wife Rosario Estudillo and children Martin G., Jose Antonio Jr., Miguel A. and Delores. Aguirre, Jose Antonio (I15793)
20357 Promissory note for $382.35 = Judgement for Haristoy Haristoy, Vicente (I16687)
20358 Promissory note signed by John Lazzarovich & Francisco Lopez endorsed over Jean Goyeneche in the amount of $1,000 at the rate of 2% per month. (Source unknown) Larre, Juan (I16037)
20359 Proprietor of French-American Restaurant 1893-94 with Mrs. CE
(Unknown Source-unclear if Mrs. CE is wife of Peter). 
Amunategui, Peter (I15838)
20360 Prosper Prechacq was 71 years old and his wife's first initial was "E". Prechacq, Prosper (I19314)
20361 Proxy (Procuration) to demand additional rights by Gracianne (Catherine) Uhide, owner of Alhaste and her brothers and sisters residing in the Aldudes in favor of Simon Uhide, their brother, residing in St. Etienne. Uhide, Simon (I5896)
20362 Proxy to proceed with distribution consented by Catherine Bastanchuhi, owner of Ehailia or Chanfermin and her brothers and sisters, residing in the Aldudes in favor of Peillo Ernautene, her husband, owner of the house of Ehailia in the Aldudes.
Note: this document is very confusing in naming the brothers and sisters. Further research necessary. 
Bastanchuhy, Catherine (I1233)
20363 Prudencio Zule was living on So. Figueroa St. with Jean and Eugenie Bidegain and their children. He was 20 years old, single and born in Spain. He was a self employed laborer. Zule, Prudencio (I19135)
20364 Purchased 7 acre tract in 1897 (Rancho San Pedro Amestoy, Juanita (I15810)
20365 Quiteria de Mezpe, daughter of Ferrando de Mezpe and Paule Sorhondo.
Her godparents were Bernat d'Echaus and Quiteria de Mezpe. 
Mespe or Bigot or Ferranyo, Quitterie (I1707)
20366 Quiterie Antonena, 52 years old, died in her house of Etcheniqui.
Witnesses were Simon Oxanaiz, 50 years old, husband of the deceased and Baptiste Antonena, brother of the deceased, 50 years old, owner of the house of Cahargun. 
Labiarin or Antonena, Quiterie (I3712)
20367 Quiterie de Bigot, daughter of Domingo de Bigot and Marie d'Oxtagarate, owners of the borde of Oxtagarate in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Christophle ???, maternal uncle and Quitterie de Bigot, paternal aunt. 
Bigot, Quiterie (I9246)
20368 Quiterie de Lasse, daughter of Bernard de Lasse and Catharine de Bigot, owners of the borde of Lasse in the quartier of Urepel.
Her godparents were Gratian d'Hiriart, paternal cousin and Quiterie de Bigot, maternal aunt. 
Lassa, Quitterie (I9481)
20369 Quiterie Ihitca, daughter of Dominique Ihitca and Marie Martinpoco, owners of the house of Bortheiry in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Jean Martinpoco, grandfather of the infant and Quiterie Ihitcague, paternal aunt. 
Bigot or Ihitcague, Quitterie (I3990)
20370 Quittance for this Reglement found in same year on page 124 Oxoby, Jean (I1660)
20371 Quitteria Bigot, widow, 80 years old, renting in the house of Ephelea in this village. Bigot or Ihitcague, Quitterie (I3990)
20372 Quitterie Antonena, 10 years old, died in their house of Zahargun.
Witnesses were Baptiste Antonena, farmer (laboreur) 52 years old and Jeanne Saroiberry, farmer (laboreuse) 54 years old, father and mother of the deceased.
Antonena dit Urquiloux, Quitterie (I4859)
20373 Quitterie Bigot, farmer, 100 years old, widow, living in the house of Quitteria. Bigot or Ferranyo or Ihitcague, Quitterie (I4060)
20374 Quitterie d'Ihitxague, daughter of Bernard d'Ihitxague nicknamed Latan and Marie d'Etcheverry, owners of the borde of Latanenia in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Baptiste de Brustet, weaver, held the child at the baptismal font for Jean d'Etcheberry nicknamed Marlo, owner of the borde of Mentasuhy in the Aldudes and Quitterie de Bigot, paternal aunt. 
Ihitcague, Quitterie (I8898)
20375 Quitterie de Bigot, daughter of Jean de Bigot and Marie de Gorteyry, owners of the borde of Gorteyry in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Jean de Gorteyry, maternal uncle and Quitterie de Bigot, paternal aunt. 
Bigot or Ferranyo or Ihitcague, Quitterie (I4060)
20376 Raimond de Vigot, son of Jean de Vigot and Gratianne d'Espinal, owners of the borde of Joannesbels of Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Raimond de Joannesenia, son of Joannesenia and Jeanne d'Arroqui. 
Bigot, Raimond (I8012)
20377 Raimond, elder owner of the borde of Pillariarena in the Aldudes, about 60 years old.
Witnesses were Simon d'Ernautena and Jean de Coscorre. 
Mailiarena or Casenave or Pilaria, Raimond/Erramoun (I3583)
20378 Ramon and Isabel Hirigoyen were living in Los Angeles with their 5 eldest children. He was 50 years old and she was 25. He was a laborer. Hirigoyen, Ramon (I16740)
20379 Raymond and Eulalia Sanz were living on Hill St. in La Puente with their three children. They owned their home which was worth $1,000. He was 55 years old and she was 42. He was a farm laborer doing general farming. Sanz, Bernardo Ramon/Raymond (I18800)
20380 Raymond and Eulalia Sanz were living on Hill St. in La Puente with their three children. They owned their home which was worth $1,000. He was 55 years old and she was 42. He was a farm laborer doing general farming. Moso, Eulalia (I18801)
20381 Raymond Apezetche, cadet of the house of Apezetche in the parish of Aincille, now renter of the house of Harragon, in the quartier of Leispars, about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Guillaume Apezetche, young owner of Gorthairy in Leispars and Bernard Apharain. 
Apecetche or Biscaichipy, Raimond (I1477)
20382 Raymond d'Itte from the parish of St. Lizie of Ustou in the diocese of Couserans and Jeanne d'Etchebers, daughter of the borde of Mariasara in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean de Coscorre, Joseph Rofast, Jacques de Nampal and Baptiste de Brustet, sonneur des cloches. 
Family: Raymond or Erramon Itte or Bicariena / Jeanne Etchebers (F2008)
20383 Raymond Labrucherie was 50 when he died and his spouse's first initial was "F". Labrucherie, Ramon/Raymond Joe (I18106)
20384 Raymond Nitte Vicary, owner of Vicariena in the Aldudes and Catherine Manessona, daughter of the house of this name also in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre Glise, cousin of the groom, Samson Pedrottipi, Gratian Souhilar and Baptiste Brusquet. 
Family: Raymond or Erramon Itte or Bicariena / Catherine Iribarren (F2009)
20385 Raymons de Harriet, son of Joannes de Harriet and Jeanne de Pilaria, young owners of the borde of Joannesena in the quartier of Lehispars.
His godparents were Raymons, owner of Pillariarena, maternal grandfather and Isabeau d'Antonena, paternal grandmother. 
Harriague or Harriet dit Joannessenea, Raymond/Erramon (I6032)
20386 Receipt as part of dowry by Pierre Chochoarena and Dominique Besancie for their daughter Marie Chochoarena on behalf of her husband Domingo Sylvain of the house of Espondagaray. Sylvain, Domingo (I1442)
20387 Receipt by Jean Arrambide, living in the valley of Betricain in Spain in favor of Bernard Sallaberry, owner of the house of Chilo in the Aldudes. Arrambide, Jean/Manech (I1659)
20388 Receipt by Jean Arrambide, owner of the house of Pedrobels in the village of Aldudes in favor of Bernard Bidart and Marie Arrambide, owners of the house of Chilo in the same village. This document shows that he was married prior to 1804 and that he was siblings with Marie Arrambide, therefore born in the house of Chiloenia. Arrambide, Jean/Manech (I1659)
20389 Receipt of dowry for marriage in 1791. Antchagno dit Ernet, Jean/Joannes (I3803)
20390 Reciept of funds by Jeanne Urruty on behalf of her mother, Gracianne, daughter of the house of Chabagno.  Etchepare or Hurbels dit Urruty, Jeanne (I6710)
20391 Reciept of money from Pierre Erramouspe to Arnaud Erramouspe and Catherine Iriquy for sale of land. Also included Caston Iriquy and Michel Iriquy, both born in Gnafarenia but living in Uhart and Osses respectively (unknown relationship). Iriquy, Catherine (I338)
20392 Record was noted as Vicente Anso y Machin and Victoriana Arbunies y Balisa Family: Vicente Anso / Victoriana Arbonies (F4624)
20393 Records are missing for 1734 from the registers. Family: Martin Etchaluz or Beherecoetche / Gratianne Ausomots (F2058)
20394 Records from Baptisms in Book 5 of Baptisms Record Book in our Lady of Los Angeles Parish shows that Francisco was born 7/2/1872 - a natural son to Alphonso _______ and Benita Murillo. Oxarart, Francisco (I16247)
20395 Records in US, only indicate her mother's maiden name as her last name but her birth record also provides her father's surname. Ostolaza Echeverria, Nicolasa Estefana (I19474)
20396 Records on Geneanet indicate that she was born in 1831 in Banca to Pierre Erramouspe and Marie Erramouspe, owners of Martinbelz. No records found to confirm that. Further research necessary. Erramouspe, Gracieuse (I22127)
20397 Records on Geneanet indicate that this couple was married in 1862 but no records found. Further research necessary. Family: Jean Ernaga / Gracieuse Erramouspe (F6377)
20398 Residence 504 South Alameda. Iriart Loge, Francois/Frank (I16111)
20399 Residence at time of daughter's birth was 1900 Aliso St.
The physician was Dr. J.A. LeDoux 
Family: Pierre/Peter Cazaux / Catherine Martinez (F4465)
20400 Residence E.S. Cedar Ave. near E 9th.
In 1893 he owned 2 lots of the Alexander Weill Tract. 
Itcaina or Itzaina, Jean Baptiste/Juan Bautista (I6549)

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