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20301 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Barhenetche in Iramehaca and Dominique, daughter of the borde of Peilloerreca.
Witnesses were Jean owner of Ohaco, Gratian son of the house of Piadore, Pierre son of Marieyhararena and Pierre de Badiere. 
Family: Pierre Barnetche / Dominique Erramuspe (F2166)
20302 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Chuhirena of Belechy, about 30 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre, elder owner of the borde of Courico and Martin, owner of Bordaberry. 
Iriart, Pierre/Pedro (I21458)
20303 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Courico and Jeanne, daughter of the house of Iribarne or Guermiette.
Witnesses were Pierre d'Iriberry, another Pierre d'Iriberry and another Pierre d'Iriberry, uncles of the groom and Jean, owner of Gorriarena.
Family: Pierre Iriart or Cuburu / Jeanne Iribarne (F5937)
20304 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Elgart in the Aldudes and Marie d'Ohaco, daughter of the house of Ouharriet in Belechi.
Witnesses were Samson de Barnetche, Jean d'Ilharragorry, inheritor of the borde of Chitchast, Jean d'Ohaco, brother of the bride and Jean d'Ohaco, brother of the bride. 
Family: Pedro Elgart or Elgartbehere / Marie Ohaco dit Uharriet (F590)
20305 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Ernet in the Aldudes and Marie, daughter of the borde of Cohieta in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre de Halcart, uncle of the bride, Jean de Harostey, Pierre d'Urla and Jean d'Oquilanberro. 
Family: Pierre or Jean Antchagno dit Ernet / Marie Etchebers or Halcart or Baptistarenea (F1777)
20306 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Espondagaray in Mitxelene and Catherine d'Etcheberry of Belastorquia.
Witnesses were Gratian de Caldubehere, Jean d'Ordoquy, brother of the bride, Domingo de Legassarena and Jean d'Eyharaldessarena. 
Family: Pierre Legassa dit Espondagaray / Catherine Oguihandy (F2524)
20307 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Etchenique in Labiarin and Magdalene, daughter of Goscorregaray in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre de Nobliarena, Pierre de Landa, Jean d'Etchart and Pierre d'Itcaynarena. 
Family: Pierre Etcheberry or Ausomots or Etchenique / Magdaleine Sarry (F1019)
20308 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Iturribels in the quartier of Jaurmendy, about 20 years old.
Witnesses were Jean d'Urruty, young owner of Inharabie and Miguel, elder owner of Iturribels. 
Elicague or Ithurribelz, Miguel or Pierre (I3590)
20309 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Pedrobels in the Aldudes and Francoise, daughter of the borde of Labiarinerdico??.
Witnesses were Jean de Pedrobels, brother of the groom, Pierre de Pedrobels, brother of the groom, Samson, owner of Joanneshandyrena in Guermiette and Martin d'Ourtasun, brother of the bride. 
Family: Pierre/Pedro Bourmalatz / Francoise Urtasun (F2536)
20310 Pierre, inheritor of the house of Etchart d'Oronos and Marie d'Iriart, daughter of the borde of Sourico in the quartier of Belechy.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchave, owner of Basterrena in the quartier of Bastide, uncle of the groom and Jean d'Iriart, son of the borde of Sourico, brother of the bride. 
Family: Pierre Etchart Oronos / Marie Iriart (F1045)
20311 Pierre, inheritor of the house of Etchebers and Jeanne, eldest daughter of the house of Iribarne in Leispars.
Witnesses were Pedro d'Etchebers, brother of the groom and Martin Iriberrigaray, owner of Menusarena. 
Family: Pedro/Pierre Jaureguy or Etchebers / Jeanne Oronos (F6137)
20312 Pierre, inheritor of the house of Iribarne in Leispars and Marie, daughter of the house of Arrambide in the Bastide.
Witnesses were Michel d'Iribarne, priest, brother of the groom, Jean d'Iribarne, brother of the groom, Jean inheritor of Carrica and Gracian de Cuburu. 
Family: Pierre Oronos / Marie Arrambide (F6728)
20313 Pierre, owner of Barhenetchegaray, about 66 years old.
His godparents were Jean elder owner of Bidabehere in Oticoren and Jean, elder owner of Oquilanberro. 
Barnetchebehere, Pierre/Pedro (I10537)
20314 Pierre, owner of Etchaun, about 80 years old, died from a tree fall.
Witnesses were Joannes Thihista and Pierre d'Iriart. 
Etcaun, Pedro (I10385)
20315 Pierre, owner of Garaicoborda in Iramehaca, about 65 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre owner of Chuhigaray and Gratian owner of Harispe. 
Iriberry or Erremerreca, Pierre/Pedro (I9053)
20316 Pierre, owner of Petrisco, about 58 years old.
His godparents were the owner of Oxanaits and the owner of Checale. 
Cuburu, Pierre (I8339)
20317 Pierre, owner of the borde of Condiarena in Bihurriete. Gorte, Pedro (I23436)
20318 Pierre, owner of the house of Itcerena. Etcheberry, Pierre (I10685)
20319 Pierre, owner of the house of Joannesederra, farmer, 57 years old.
Witnesses were Joannes Erramouspe, son of the deceased, farmer, 29 years old and Martin Carrique, owner of the house of Manechenia, living in this village, farmer, 29 years old, neighbor of the deceased. 
Erramouspe, Bertrand or Pierre (I1580)
20320 Pierre, owner of Urruty in Occos, about 50 years old. Urbelz, Pedro/Pierre (I24065)
20321 Pierre, son of Bernard ??? and Jeanne d'Aichaigno, sharecroppers (metayers) of the house of Licerasse.
His godparents were Pierre, owner of Biscarrena and Jeanne de Belar. 
Elhorrisoin, Pierre (I11676)
20322 Pierre, son of Bertran de Maytato and Jeanne de Saroiberry, living in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre de Maytato, paternal uncle and Catherine de Saroiberry, maternal grandmother. 
Chabagno or Halcart, Pierre/Peillo (I4761)
20323 Pierre, son of Dominique Oihanart and Agnes Ohaco, renters (locataires) of the house of Menta.
His godparents were Pierre Oihanart, paternal uncle and Marie Ohaco, young owner of Pedroscorenea. 
Oyhanart, Pierre (I6402)
20324 Pierre, son of Gorriarena in Belechy and Marie, inheritor of the borde of Halcola in Belechy.
Witnessess were Pierre de Cuburu, son of Gorriarena, brother of the groom, Pierre de Halcola, brother of the bride, Jean d'Indart, son of Harrigorry and Martin, son of Joanneshandy of Belechy. 
Family: Pierre Cuburu / Marie Ansola/Ansolabehere (F6030)
20325 Pierre, son of Gratian Harambel and Catherine Inda, young owners of Mendia.
His godparents were Pierre, inheritor of Coscorregaray, maternal uncle and Jeanne Mendy, maternal grandmother. 
Arambel, Pierre (I6547)
20326 Pierre, son of Jean Anchagno and Marie Garacotche, owners of the house of Cocorenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre Anchagno, paternal uncle and Jeanne de Bihurriet, maternal "little" aunt.
This house was spelled as Cocorenia on his birth record but due to last name it is assumed to be Chocoenia. Further research needed to confirm. 
Antchagno, Pierre (I5551)
20327 Pierre, son of Jean Coscorre and Gracianne Menta, owners of the house of Coscorre.
His godparents were Pierre Coscorre, paternal uncle and Jeanne Chabagno, inheritor of Menta. 
Coscorre, Pierre (I6316)
20328 Pierre, son of Jean de Landaburu and Dominique de Larraburu, living in the house of Sapparart.
His godparents were Pierre, owner of the house of Larraburu and Gabriele de Landaburu, owner of the house of Pecotche. 
Landaburu or Garriador, Pierre (I1038)
20329 Pierre, son of Jean Etchechury, blacksmith (forgeron) and Jeanne d'Igusquiaguerre, owners of Picociague.
His godparents were Pierre d'Igusquiaguerre of the Aldudes and Marie d'Etchechury. 
Etchechury, Pierre (I10977)
20330 Pierre, son of Jean Gorstarsou and Marie Uharriet, owners of the house of Chabadinenea.
His godparents were Pierre Bidondo, inheritor of Nobliarenea and Jeanne Uharriet, owner of Uharrieta in Baigorry. 
Gostarsu, Pierre (I6389)
20331 Pierre, son of Jean Hiriart and Marie Iguchquiaguerre, owners of the house of Iguchquiaguerre.
His godparents were Pierre Iguchquiaguerre, maternal uncle and Marie Hiriart, cadette of Coscorregaray, first cousin of the infant. 
Hiriart, Pierre (I4579)
20332 Pierre, son of Jean Landabouru and Dominique Larraburu, renters of Salaberri in Suhescun, house of M. le Vicomte St. Martin.
His godparents were Pierre de Chateauneuf, elder owner of Herriest of Hirisarry and Catherine Elissonde, inheritor of Caparart. 
Gariador, Pierre (I11904)
20333 Pierre, son of Joseph Etcheto and Gracianne Accotain, owners of the house of Sareberri.
His godparents were Pierre Etcheto, paternal grandfather and Claude Curutchet, maternal grandmother. 
Etcheto, Pierre (I6190)
20334 Pierre, son of Marie, cadette of the house of Etchelecuto in the quartier of Iparraguerre and an unknown father.
His godparents were Pierre Iriquy, owner of the house of Heraunbehere and Marie Ernague, owner of the house of Etchelcuto. 
Etchelecu, Pierre (I5203)
20335 Pierre, son of Martin d'Ilharragorry and Isabelle de Joannessena, owners of Ilharragorry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre de Harriet, owner of Domingorena in the Aldudes and Marie d'Ilharragorry of the Aldudes. 
Ilharragorry, Pierre (I10887)
20336 Pierre, son of Martin de Catalinarena in the quartier of Bastide and Marie de Bidart of Oticorren, owners of the house of Bidart in Oticoren.
His godparents were Pierre, elder owner of Catalinarena, paternal grandfather and Jeanne d'Atchaurrena, elder owner of Bidart in Oticoren, maternal grandmother. 
Bidart, Pierre (I8328)
20337 Pierre, son of Martin Erramousteguy and Jeanne Chabano, renters (locataires) of the house of Etchetoa.
His godparents were Pierre Chabagno, maternal grandfather and Catherine Erramousteguy, paternal aunt. 
Erramousteguy, Pierre (I6381)
20338 Pierre, son of Martin Errramusteguy, cadet of Etchetoa and Jeanne Chabano, cadette of Menta, 30 days old.
Witnesses were Jean Elhorrisoin, owner of Donyuanenea and Pierre Arrandoquy, cadet of Enautenea. 
Erramousteguy, Pierre (I6381)
20339 Pierre, son of Martin Espelei and Marie Elia, owners of the house Leonenea.
His godparents were Pierre Oihenart, co-owner of Menta and Gracianne Elia, owner of Incaurpea. 
Espeleguy or Luchia, Pierre (I6387)
20340 Pierre, son of Mendiburu in Leispars, 8 days old.
Witnesses were Jean son of Ardans, weaver and Miguel, owner of Aparain in Leispars. 
Mendiburu, Pierre (I9038)
20341 Pierre, son of Michel Narbaiz and Marie Harretche, owners of the house of Joalguin.
Witnesses were Pierre Harretche, owner of the house of Harretchea in Otticoren in Baigorry and Dominique Narbaitz, young owner of Pipherenea. 
Narbaiz, Pierre (I6502)
20342 Pierre, son of Michel Narbaiz and Marie Harretche, owners of the house of Yoalguinenea.
His godparents were Pierre Harriaga, mason (macon) renter (locataire) of Inda in Arizcun of Spain and Gracianne Narbaiz, cadette of Erreca, aunt of the child. 
Narbaiz, Pierre (I6116)
20343 Pierre, son of Mocho, weaver and Marie, daughter of the borde of Ehayliarena in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean, owner of Indart, Jean, owner of Aincinecoetche, Jean d'Ehayliarena, brother of the bride and Gratian d'Ehayliarena, brother of the bride. 
Family: Pierre Mocho / Marie Irary (F6317)
20344 Pierre, son of Paschal Bergara and Marie Anchano, owners of the house of Halty in the parish.
His godparents were Pierre Chabagno, maternal uncle and Jeanne Anchano, owner of the house of Ernetenia. 
Bergara, Pierre (I6041)
20345 Pierre, son of Pedro de Joanatonea and Graciane d'Epele, owners of the house of Langabe in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre, owner of the house of Dorrechury of Leispars and Marie de Joanatenea. 
Joanot, Pierre (I10106)
20346 Pierre, son of Picociague the blacksmith, about 6 years old.
Witnesses were the owners of Ernet? and Etcheberry. 
Etchechury, Pierre (I10977)
20347 Pierre, son of Pierre Bustan, ancien cadet of the house of Donalegui Bustanenea and Marie Elgart, ancienne cadette of the house of Elgartia, his wife.
His godparents were Pierre Bustan, cadet of Donalegui Bustanenea, first cousin and Marie Changala, owner of Ardaia in Baigorri. 
Bustan, Pierre (I6159)
20348 Pierre, son of Pierre Buztan, elder cadet of Donalegui Buztanenea and Marie Elgart, elder cadette of Elgartea.
Witnesses were Putico Halti and Jean Inda, owner of Uhidea. 
Bustan, Pierre (I6159)
20349 Pierre, son of Pierre Goyenetche and Jeanne Baztanchuhi, living in the house of Picociarenea.
His godparents were Pierre Ezpil, employee on the farms of the king (fermes du roy) in the quartier of Bihouriette and Marie Baztanchuhi, maternal aunt. 
Goyhenetche, Pierre (I5570)
20350 Pierre, son of Pierre Hiribarren and Elizabeth Erreca, young owners of Louissenea.
His godparents were Pierre Erreca, owner of Cubianerreca, maternal grandfather and Jeanne Etcheleckhu, owner of Louissenea, paternal grandmother. 
Iribarren, Pierre (I6169)

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