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20251 Pierre Tihista, son of Gracian Tihista and Jeanne Elhorrisoin, owners of the house of Chotroenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre d'Elhorrisoin, owner of Juanenia of the Aldudes, maternal uncle and Marie Carrica, owner of Hasqueta in place of Marie Copena, her daughter owner of Hasqueta. 
Tihista, Pierre (I1866)
20252 Pierre Ttipitoa, son of Martin Ttipitoa and Catherine Bidart, owners of the house of Irarquibehere of Oyhansoro.
His godparents were Pierre Irauquibehere, maternal uncle and Gratianne Ttipitoa, paternal aunt. 
Sorhondo or Ttipito, Pierre (I7279)
20253 Pierre Uhalde dit Cottura, 72 years old, widower of Marie Sallaberry, died in the house of Gnignicoenia in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Joanahandy, 54 years old and Michel Etchalar, 67 years old, both farmers and neighbors of the deceased. 
Uhalde, Pierre (I12522)
20254 Pierre Uhalde, 44 years old, farmer, born in the Aldudes, living in Banca, son of Martin Uhalde and Marie Elgart, deceased in Banca.
Marie Nimignoa Sallaberry, 36 years old, born and raised in this village, Gratian Nimignoa Sallaberry, farmer, 72 years old, owner of the house of Oxarart, present and consenting and Gratianne Oquilamberro, his wife, deceased in Banca.
Witnesses were Jean Baptiste Irigaray, 40 years old, teacher; Gratian Ithurralde, 50 years old; Jean Sallaberry, 50 years old and Martin Erramoupse, 43 years old, the last three are farmers. 
Family: Pierre Uhalde / Marie Nimignoa Sallaberry (F3481)
20255 Pierre Uhalde, 49 years old, farmer, renter (locataires) of the house of Bihurriet in this village and Marie Sallaberry, 40 years old, housewife, his wife, declared the birth of a son named Gratian.
Witnesses were Jean Baptiste Irigaray, 44 years old, teacher and Jean Iribarne, 66 years old, farmer. 
Uhalde, Gratian (I12520)
20256 Pierre Uhalde, married to Marie Golkho, 66 years old, died in the house of Tambourinenia in this village. Uhalde, Pierre (I11563)
20257 Pierre Uhalde, son of Jean Uhalde and Marie Maria Sagara, owners of the borde of Jaungorrya in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre de Maria Sagara, maternal uncle and Catherine de Condya. 
Uhalde, Pierre (I10928)
20258 Pierre Uhalde, son of Jean Uhalde, owner of the house of Haira, 27 years old, farmer and Catherine Uhalderena, his wife.
Witnesses were Pierre Uhalderena, maternal uncle, cadet of the house of Haira, 21 years old and Michel Joannestopeillo, cadet of the house of Joannestopeillo, 24 years old. 
Uhalde, Pierre (I11563)
20259 Pierre Uhalde, son of Martin Uhalde and Marie Erramuspe, owners of Haira.
His godparents were Pierre d'Etchart, uncle-in-law, owner of the house of Etchart in Anhaux and Jeanne Erramuspe, maternal aunt, cadette of Haira. 
Uhalde, Pierre (I23554)
20260 Pierre Uhalt was 36 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "A". Uhalt, Pierre Urbain (I14524)
20261 Pierre Uharriet, six months old, son of Jean Uharriet and Jeanne Inda, died in the house of Franchechenia. Uharriet, Pierre (I13018)
20262 Pierre Uhide, 32 years old, farmer, single, born in Montevideo, son of the late Jean Uhide and Marie Galant, died in the house of Alexandroenia. Uhide, Pedro/Pierre (I15398)
20263 Pierre Uhide, owner of Condia of Cubiarin, next to La Fonderie, about 46 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet and Gabriel Souhilar. 
Iribarne, Pierre/Pedro (I7120)
20264 Pierre Urquilux, 85 years old, farmer, single, living in this village, died in the house of Buztanen-Borda in this village. Antonena or Urquilux, Pierre (I3787)
20265 Pierre Urracariet, 20 days old, died in his house of Oihanchelhay
Witnesses were Gratian Urracariet, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old, father of the deceased and Baptiste Oxarart, farmer (laboreur) 50 years old, neighbor. 
Urracariet, Pierre (I5092)
20266 Pierre was a farmer and resident of Walnut and Bonifacia was a housekeeper and lived in Fullerton at the time of their marriage.
Witnesses were John Goitz (Goity?) of Walnut and Rosa Hirigoyen of Santa Ana.
Fr. Gratian Ardans officiated this marriage at his parish on 3rd St. in Los Angeles. 
Family: Pierre Lacouague / Bonifacia Mujica (F4753)
20267 Pierre Ylharragorri, farmer (laboreur) 56 years old, born in the village of Aldudes on 1/12/1760, widower of Marie Bourmalaz, owners of the house of Chintarena in this village and Jeanne Hiriart, farmer (laboreuse), born 10/6/1776, daughter of Jean Hiriart and Marie Ygusquiaguerre, owners in their lifetime of the house of Ygusquiaguerre. Family: Pierre/Betry Ilharragorry / Jeanne Hiriart or Igusquiaguerre (F1354)
20268 Pierre Ylharragorri, farmer (laboreur), 56 years old and Jeanne Ygusquiaguerre, his wife, owners of the house of Chintarena in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 62 years old obergiste and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 41 years old. 
Ilharragorry, Louise (I4505)
20269 Pierre Ylharragorry, farmer (laboreur) 57 years old, died in his house of Chintarena.
Witnesses were Pierre Erreca, farmer (laboreur) 28 years old and Pierre Ytcaina, farmer (laboreur) 34 years old, neighbors. 
Ilharragorry, Pierre/Betry (I4502)
20270 Pierre Ynda, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old declared the birth of this child to an unknown father and Marie Ynda, his sister, cadette of the house of Miguelarcaina in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 45 years old. 
Inda, Marie (I5181)
20271 Pierre Yndart, farmer, 50 years old, Jeanne Yrigoyen, owner of the house of Sallaberry in this village. Indart, Pierre (I12221)
20272 Pierre young owner of Pedrobelcharena and Marie of the borde of Elgartgaray in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean son of Pedrobelcharena, brother of the groom, Martin inheritor of Elgartgaray in the Aldudes, Jean de Pedrotipiarena and Pierre de Pagocelhay. 
Family: Pierre/Pedro Bourmalatz / Marie Elgart (F1753)
20273 Pierre Yribarren, 5 years old, son of Jean Yribarren and Jeanne Chaharra, his wife, owners of the house of Menyia.
Witnesses were Jean Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 50 years old and Martin Pilaria, farmer (laboreur) 53 years old, first neighbor. 
Iribarren, Pierre (I5867)
20274 Pierre Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 58 years old, declared the birth of this child to Vicente Berhueta, carpenter 40 years old and Marie Yribarren, his wife, owners of the house Capataindeguia.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 43 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Berhueta, Jeanne (I5094)
20275 Pierre Yribarren, laboreur, 74 years old, died in his house of Arambel.
Witnesses were Jean Erreca, farmer, 62 years old, son in law of the deceased and Jean Chaharra, farmer 60 years old, neighbor. 
Iribarne, Pierre (I4354)
20276 Pierre Yrigoyen, 1 month old, died in his house of Zapataindeguia.
Witnesses were Jean Yrigoyen, shoemaker (cordonnier) 34 years old and Pierre Etchart, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old, father and grandfather of the deceased. 
Irigoyen, Pierre (I4985)
20277 Pierre Ytcainarena, farmer (laboreur) 31 years old and Jeanne Esponda, fermiers in the borde of Esponda in this village gave him the name of Gratian.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old and Jean Ynda dit Akerra, 54 years old.
Note: Gratian Itcainarena Lessaca was written in the margin. 
Itcainarena dit Ardans, Gratian (I6964)
20278 Pierre Zaldubehere, born 4/21/1776, legitimate son of Bernard Zaldubehere and Marie Arroqui, owners of the house of Checalegarai in this village.
Marie Erreca, born 12/17/1780, legitimate daughter of the late Pierre Erreca and Marie Arroqui, owners in their lifetime of the house of Halzart in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 45 years old, Ferdinand Methola weaver 35 years old, Jean Inda farmer (laboreur) 75 years old owner of the house of Miguelarcaina and Martin Hiriart commonly called Paul 46 years old. 
Family: Pierre Caldubehere / Marie Erreca (F1425)
20279 Pierre Zorcabal, farmer (laboreur) 87 years old, owner of the house of Louis-Chotroinia in this village, died in his house.
Witnesses were Jean Erreca, farmer (laboreur) 52 years old, son-in-law of the deceased and Jean Zaldubehere, farmer (laboreur) 35 years old, son-in-law of the deceased. 
Bastanchuhy or Corcabal/Corcabalgaray, Pierre (I4498)
20280 Pierre Zubouru, born 5/4/1790, legitimate son of Pierre Zubouru and Marie Cherbero, owners of the house of Beherecoetchia in St. Etienne, quartier of Belechi.
Catherine Harriet, 28 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Harriet and Marie Thamborin, owners of the house of Chaliessena, they were present.
Witnesses were Marie Chaharra farmer (laboreuse) 41 years old owner of Artecorena, Jeanne Okilamberro cadette of Etcheverria in Esnaxou 24 years old, Marie Etcheverri owner of the house of Philipperena 56 years old and Marie Tihista, la benoite, 41 years old. 
Family: Pierre/Bethy Zubouru or Cuburu / Catherine Harriet (F1130)
20281 Pierre, born to Marie Hirigoyen, cadette of Capatainarenea and Ferdinand Lassa, inheritor of Epele who declared that he was the father with witnesses Jean Harizpe, young owner of Uhidea and Jean Inda, owner of Elicabehere.
His godparents were Pierre Hirigoyen, grandfather and Marie Lassa, aunt of Ferdinand. 
Lassa, Pierre (I6376)
20282 Pierre, cadet of the house of Martinhiriart and Marie, inheritor of the house of Eignautenia, also in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean d'Ehaillea, Jean de Coscorre, owner of Santarenya and Petan de Sarry. 
Family: Pierre/Pedro Irigoin or Hiriart or Haira / Marie Arandoquy or Oxarart (F1983)
20283 Pierre, cadet son of Antonena in the quartier of Ercats, about 52 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Inherabie and Jean Dufourq, shoemaker. 
Antonena, Pierre (I21937)
20284 Pierre, cadet son of Legasse and Jeanne d'Eyharalde of Mitxelene.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Etchebarne, owner of the house of Garacotche in Leispars and Pedro, young owner of Legassa, brother of the groom. 
Family: Pierre Legassa / Jeanne Eyharalde (F2950)
20285 Pierre, elder owner and proprietaire of the house of Gacheteguy in Leispars, about 80 years old. Gacheteguy, Pierre/Pedro (I10799)
20286 Pierre, elder owner of Ernautene in St. Etienne, about 60 years old. Ernautena, Pierre/Betry (I21638)
20287 Pierre, elder owner of Etcaun in St. Etienne, about 90 years old. Marianarena, Pierre (I21967)
20288 Pierre, elder owner of Etchart in Guermiette, about 90 years old. Sarry or Etchart Oronos, Pierre/Betry (I7650)
20289 Pierre, elder owner of Garacoetche in Guermiette, about 68 year sold.
Witnesses were Jean d'Irary and Dominique, young owner of Elisalde. 
Iriart, Jean Pierre (I21634)
20290 Pierre, elder owner of the borde of Cochinarrarena in the Aldudes, about 72 years old.
Witnesses were Miguel, owner of the borde of Miguelarcaina and Jean, elder owner of Labiarinerdiconborda. 
Ausomotz or Joanneshandy, Pierre/Pedro (I8828)
20291 Pierre, elder owner of the house of Dorrechury in Leispars, about 65 years old. Dorrechury, Pierre (I10615)
20292 Pierre, elder owner of the house of Etcheberry in Mitxelene, about 80 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre, owner of Tanguena and Jean d'Aisaguer, young owner of Peilocorena. 
Etcheberry or Sasquiguilia, Pedro/Pierre (I8592)
20293 Pierre, elder owner of the house of Etcheberry in Urdos, about 75 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, owner of Iriart in Urdos and Jean, owner of Aldagaray in Urdos. 
Laxague, Pierre (I19603)
20294 Pierre, elder owner of the house of Iribarne in Guermiette, about 55 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, elder owner of Irary and Pierre, owner of Garacoetche. 
Iribarne, Pierre (I23781)
20295 Pierre, elder owner of the house of Jocoberro in the quartier of Guermiette, about 80 years old. Belar, Pierre/Betry (I8700)
20296 Pierre, elder owner of the house of Mococain in the Bastide, about 80 years old.
Witnesses were Jean de Bercetche, owner of Bidaurre and Jean, young owner of Bidart in the Bastide. 
Mococain, Pedro (I9754)
20297 Pierre, inheritor of Atchouarena in Leispars, carpenter and Jeanne, daughter of the house of Alhais.
Witnesses were Jean, inheritor of Cherberoarena, Miguel, son of Arroquy in Leispars, Jean d'Etchbers and Jean de Pitchorena. 
Family: Pierre Paul Atchouarena / Jeanne Oxagarat (F6025)
20298 Pierre, inheritor of the borde called Pitchorena in the Aldudes, about 24 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, young owner of Joannessena of Leispars and Antoine, owner of the borde called Erdicoborda. 
Urtasun, Pedro (I10122)
20299 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Arguinarena in Esnaratxou and Francoise, daughter of the borde of Pedrotipia of Urbels in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Louis, son of the borde of Chotro, cousin of the groom, Jean de Chotro, young owner of Pedrotipia, cousin of the groom and brother-in-law of the bride, Michel d'Espil and Baptiste d'Arrambide, owner of Arguinarena, brother-in-law of the groom.
They were married on the same day as his sister Marie d'Arguinarena with Antoine d'Ehailea. 
Family: Pedro/Pierre Oxarart / Francoise Oxalde or Itcainarena dit Pedrottipia (F1429)
20300 Pierre, inheritor of the borde of Barhenetche in Iramehaca and Dominique, daughter of the borde of Peilloerreca.
Witnesses were Jean owner of Ohaco, Gratian son of the house of Piadore, Pierre son of Marieyhararena and Pierre de Badiere. 
Family: Pierre Barnetche / Dominique Erramuspe (F2166)

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