Matches 20,151 to 20,200 of 22,508
# | Notes | Linked to |
20151 | Pierre Laxague, 10 years old, son of Gratian Laxague and Catherine Ardans, died in the house of Pritchia in this village. | Laxague, Pierre (I8504)
20152 | Pierre Laxague, 26 years old, single, died in the house of Ithurrieta. Witnesses were Jean Menta, farmer, 28 years old and Pierre Arroquy, 27 years old. | Laxague, Pierre (I12361)
20153 | Pierre Laxague, 80 years old, farmer, married to Marie Ardans, died in the house of Ithurrieta in this village. | Laxague, Pierre (I3013)
20154 | Pierre Laxague, 81 years old, farmer, born and living in this village, son of Jean Laxague and Marie Noblia, married to Marie Urracariet, died in the house of Oyhanchelaya in this village. | Laxague, Pierre (I4510)
20155 | Pierre Laxague, born 1/11/1803, son of Jean Laxague and Gratianne Chotro, owners in their lifetime of the house of Ythurrieta in this village. Marie Ardans, born 1/23/1802, Jean Ardans and Marie Detchume, owners of the house of Semederrenia in this village. Witnesses were Dominique Arroquy farmer 36 years old, Michel Sorhondo farmer 32 years old, Pierre Menta weaver 32 years old and Jean Ihitcague farmer 36 years old. | Family: Pierre Laxague / Marie Ardans (F889)
20156 | Pierre Laxague, farmer (laboreur) 24 years old, legitimate son of Jean Laxague and Ysabeau Harriet, owners of the house of Etcheverria in the quartier of Esnazu. Marie Saint Estevan, 25 years old, legitimate daughter of the late Jean Saint Estevan and Catherine Uhide, owners in their lifetime of the house of Chathorrarena in this village. Witnesses were Jean Errecalde farmer (laboreur) 72 years old stepfather of the bride, Catherine Uhide mother of the bride 48 years old, Mathieu Yhitcague 70 years old and Jean Ardans farmer (laboreur) 55 years old. | Family: Pierre Laxague / Marie St. Esteben (F1549)
20157 | Pierre Laxague, farmer, 31 years old, died in the house of Chatorra. Witnesses were Gratian Goihenetche, blacksmith, 31 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker, 58 years old. | Laxague, Pierre (I4900)
20158 | Pierre Legassa, son of Jean Legassa and Catherine Ernautena, owners of the house of Agotarenea in the Aldudes. His godparents were Pierre Legassa, paternal grandfather and Jeanne Ernautena, absent, represented by Marie Lassa, cadette of Lassarenea of the Aldudes. | Legassa, Pierre (I6613)
20159 | Pierre Lessia, son of Jean Lessia and Marie Erramouspe, owners of the house of Marmaro in the quartier of Orbalicardy. His godparents were Pierre Erramouspe, maternal uncle and Jeanne Lessia, petit paternal aunt. | Lechia, Pierre (I23694)
20160 | Pierre Lohitce, farmer, widower, 80 years old, owner of Lohitcebehere in this village. | Itcainarena or Baptistachoco or Lohitcebehere, Pierre (I5875)
20161 | Pierre Lohitcebehere, farmer, 50 years old, son of Baptiste Choco and Catherine Erramuspe, his wife, owners in their lifetime of the house of Lohitcebeheria in the village of Aldudes. Catherine Saroiberry, daughter of the late Jean Saroiberry and Catherine Sastriarena, owners of the house of Esquerrainia in this village. They declared that they had one daughter, Marie, born on 5/3/1797. Witnesses were Jean Urracariet, farmer, 34 years old, owner of Guichontoa in St. Etienne, Marie Chaharra, 47 years old, Marie Tihista, Benoite, 43 years old, and Jean Ephele, 60 years old, owner of Joannesgaste. Note: Ttarrat was written in the margin. | Family: Pierre Itcainarena or Baptistachoco or Lohitcebehere / Catherine Saroiberry (F3173)
20162 | Pierre Loustalot was 69 years old when he died. | Loustalot, Pierre (I18166)
20163 | Pierre Mariajhara, 52 years old, owner of the house of Peilloerrecarenia in Acaldeguy in this village. Witnesses were Gratian Sagara and Jean Heryo (Erio). | Ocafrain or Marieyhara, Pierre (I8805)
20164 | Pierre Mariluch, 6 months old, son of Jean Mariluch and Marie Erreca, died in his house of Accotainia. | Mariluch, Pierre (I13260)
20165 | Pierre Mariluch, 7 years old, son of Jean Mariluch and Jeanne Deseta, died in the house of Menementa. | Mariluch, Jean or Pierre (I13360)
20166 | Pierre Martinetz, 12 years old, died in the house of Errecattipia in this village. | Martinez, Pierre (I14020)
20167 | Pierre Martinez, 2 months old, died in the house of Cahargunia in this village. | Martinez, Pierre (I14484)
20168 | Pierre Martinhiriartenya, son of Pierre Martinhiriartenia and Marie d'Ignautenia, owners of the house of Ignautenia in the Aldudes. His godparents were Pierre Ignautenia, owner of Ignautenia, maternal grandfather and Jeanne de Martinhiriartenia, owner of Martinhiriartenia in the Aldudes, paternal grandmother. | Martinhiriart or Hiriart, Pierre (I4887)
20169 | Pierre Menta, 4 months (days?) old, died in the house of Mouchico. Witnesses were Pierre Menta, weaver, 34 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Menta, day laborer, 55 years old. | Menta, Pierre (I12109)
20170 | Pierre Menta, 73 years old, weaver (tisserand), widower of Marie Erramuspe, died in the house of Mouchicoenia in this village. | Menta, Pierre (I4914)
20171 | Pierre Menta, farmer (laboreur) 21 years old, died in the house of Anchart-garay. Note: Manecharthe was written in the margin. Witnesses were Jean Menta, farmer (laboreur) 54 years old and Jean Menta, farmer (laboreur) 56 years old, father and uncle of the deceased. | Menta, Pierre (I4149)
20172 | Pierre Menta, weaver (tisserand) 29 years old and Marie Hasquet his wife, owners of the house of Moucicoenia in this village, declare her name as Marie. Witnesses were Martin Hasquet farmer 46 years old grandfather of the new born and Pierre Pilaria farmer 52 years old. | Menta, Marie (I7935)
20173 | Pierre Menta, weaver 27 years old, legitimate son of Jean Menta and Marie Betripeillo, owners of the house of Moucicorena in this village. Gratianne Hasquet, 25 years old, legitimate daughter of Martin Hasquet and Marie Coscarart, owners of the house of Etchalecoutoinia in this village. Witnesses were Pierre Arrambide cadet of Hurbelch 24 years old, Jean Ohaco cadet of Anchart 28 years old, Jean Hasquet brother of the bride 21 years old and Jean Menta cadet of the house of Arte 21 years old. | Family: Pierre Menta / Gratianne Hasquet (F1554)
20174 | Pierre Methola from the parish of Musculdy in Soule and diocese of Oloron and Jeanne Labiarinerdicoborda. Witnesses were Bertrand Sala, cousin of the groom, Jean Eliconde, cousin of the groom, Pierre Caharburu and Jean Cabalet. | Family: Pierre Methola / Jeanne Accotain or Erdicoetche (F1451)
20175 | Pierre Methola, day laboreur (journalier) about 96 years old, died in his house of Piarregnorena. Witnesses were Gabriel Loustau, weaver (tisserand) 66 years old, son-in-law of deceased and Ferdinand Methola, weaver (tisserand) 37 years old, son of the deceased. | Methola, Pierre (I4693)
20176 | Pierre Miguelarcaina, owner of Mochobehere in the quartier of Guermiette and Jeanne Martinenia, owner of Etcheberry in the quartier of Guermiette. Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet, Pierre Errecalde, Dominque Iribarnegaray and another Dominique Iribarnegaray. | Family: Pierre Miguelarcaina / Jeanne Martinena (F6839)
20177 | Pierre Miguellena, cadet of the house of Saroyberry in the parish of St. Etienne de Baigorry and Marie d'Etcheto, inheritor of the house of Etcheto in the Aldudes of the parish of Iruleguy. Witnesses were Guillaume d'Uhalde, brother-in-law of the bride, Pierre Saroiberry, owner of Menta, Martin de Miguellena, first cousin of the groom and Louis Etcheto, brother of the bride. | Family: Pierre Miguelena or Bastanchuhy dit Saroiberry / Marie Etcheto (F2231)
20178 | Pierre Mocho, weaver, sharecropper in the house of Estebenea in the quartier of Guermiette, about 44 years old. Witnesses were Samson Indart and Samson Chapador. | Mocho, Pierre (I9286)
20179 | Pierre Mococain, 55 years old, merchant, died in the house of Percain. | Mococain, Pierre (I12150)
20180 | Pierre Mococain, son of Gratian Mococain and Marthe Iriberry, owners of the house of Uhartegaraya in Leispars. His godparents were Pierre Iriberry, maternal uncle and Marie Espelet, paternal grandmother. | Mococain, Pierre (I23902)
20181 | Pierre Mococain, son of Pierre Mococain and Marie Iratcoqui, farmers, living in the Aldudes, 23 years old, born in the Aldudes on 2/24/1784. Marguerite Sintas, daughter of Jean Sintas and Marie Etchart, owners of the house of Ellicaldia in La Fonderie, aubergistes, 22 years old, born in La Fonderie on 3/15/1785. Witnesses were Pierre Mococain, father of the groom, 60 years old, aubergiste, living in the Aldudes; Martin Gosseppe, owner of the house of Percain, 50 years old, paternal uncle of the groom, living in the Aldudes; Jean Sintas, father of the bride, aubergiste, 40 years old and Gabriel Belca, blacksmith, 47 years old. | Family: Pierre Mococain / Marie Sintas (F4090)
20182 | Pierre Mococain, son of Pierre Mococain and Marie Iratcoquy, living in the house of Uhartegaray in Leispars. His godparents were Pierre Iratcoquy, maternal uncle and Jeanne Mococain, paternal aunt. | Mococain, Pierre (I23719)
20183 | Pierre Mocozain, blacksmith (forgeron) 66 years old, died in his residence Percainen-Etcheverria. Witnesses were Jean Mocozain, weaver (tisserand) 35 years old and Jean Detchume, farmer (laboreur) 44 years old. | Mococain, Pierre (I5677)
20184 | Pierre Mourguiart alias Idiqui, young owner of the borde of Ttipittorena, about 41 years old. Witnesses were Guillaume de Cattalinenia, owner of Etchepare and Jean Soule, owner of Jaureguichuri. | Mourguiart or Iriquy, Pierre (I10115)
20185 | Pierre Narbaitz, 2 years old, son of Michel Narbaitz and Marie Inda, died in her house of Ithurribels. | Narbaitz, Pierre (I13066)
20186 | Pierre Narbaitz, 83 years old, farmer, single, died in the house of Inchaby in this village. | Narbaitz, Pierre (I14962)
20187 | Pierre Narbaiz, son of Jean Narbaiz and Marie Couburu, owners of the house of Harosteguya in Guermiette. Pierre Narbaiz, priest of St. Etienne, absent and represented by Martin Erreca, also priest of St. Etienne and Marie Couburu, maternal aunt. | Narbaiz, Pierre (I23812)
20188 | Pierre Nite, son of Erramun Nite and Catherine Iribarne, owners of the house of Vicarien in the Aldudes. His godparents were Pierre Iribarren, owner of Cubiarin and Dominique Laxague, owner of Cardinalea. | Nite, Pierre (I7262)
20189 | Pierre Ohaco, son of Jean Ohaco and Marie Bidondo, owners of the house of Etchemendia. His godparents were Pierre Bidondo, owner of Predottipiarenia, maternal uncle and Marie Pilaria, owner of the house of Baptistarenia. | Ohaco, Pierre (I5970)
20190 | Pierre Ohaco, son of Pierre Ohaco and Jeanne Pocomos, young owners of house of Ohaco in Iramehaca. His godparents were Pierre Ohaco, paternal uncle and Marie Pocomos, maternal aunt. | Poco, Pierre (I23473)
20191 | Pierre Okhilanberro, son of Jean Okhilanberro and Gratianne Ihitcague, owners of the house of Etcheberry in Urdos. His godparents were Pierre Etchart, cadet of the house of Etchart in Belechy, petit paternal uncle and Catherine Laxague, owner of the house of Bidegain in St. Etienne, petite maternal aunt. | Oquilanberro, Pierre (I1536)
20192 | Pierre Oquihandy, son of Gratian Oguihandy and Marie Esponda, owners of the house of Jaccachouri in the quartier of Usteleguy. His godparents were Pierre Esponda, maternal grandfather and Marie Joanneshandy, maternal grandmother. | Oguihandy, Pierre (I23767)
20193 | Pierre Ospital, 2 months old, son of Antoine Ospital and Marie Corte, died in his house of Arrambidea. | Ospital, Pierre (I11750)
20194 | Pierre Ospital, 20 years old, farmer, living in Baigorry, son of Jean Ospital, farmer and Marie Iriberry, his wife, both living in Baigorry, and Marie Errecart, 19 years old, living in Baigorry, daughter of Jean Errecart, farmer and Marie Iribarne, his wife, both living in Baigorry. Witnesses were Gratian Berrau, 32 years old, farmer, brother of the groom, Bernard Harxoubehere, 34 years old, carpenter, uncle of the bride, Marie Iribarne, 27 years old, sister in law of the bride and Marie Pecotche, 30 years old, friend. | Family: Pierre Ospital / Marie Errecart or Erdicoborda (F6159)
20195 | Pierre Ospital, 76 years old, farmer, married to Marie Erdicoborda, owner of the house of Harxoubehere in this village. | Ospital, Pierre (I21680)
20196 | Pierre Ospital, farmer, widower, 80 years old, living in the house of Ephelea in this village. | Ospital, Pierre (I3848)
20197 | Pierre Ospital, son of Jean Ospital and Marie Iriberry, owners of the house of Erremerreca. His godparents were Pierre Iriberry, maternal uncle and Gratianne Ospital, paternal aunt. | Ospital, Pierre (I21680)
20198 | Pierre Ossafrain, elder owner of Chafadoinia, farmer about 75 years old. Witnesses were Jean Ossafrain, renter of the house of Chiralainia and Jean Ossafrain, both sons of the deceased. | Ocafrain, Pierre/Pedro (I8368)
20199 | Pierre Othats, farmer, 72 years old, died in the house of Othats. | Othax, Pierre (I12546)
20200 | Pierre Otxagarat (Coscarart?), inheritor of house of Etchelekhuttorena in Iparraguerre and Marie Coscorre, cadette of the house of Pocorena in the Aldudes. Witnesses were Jean Ernague, Jean Ernague, uncles of the groom, Jean Coscorre and Jean Coscorre, brothers of the bride. | Family: Pierre Elizondo or Coscarart / Marie Arrambide or Mocarte or Martinpoco (F1234)