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1251 |
 | Robidart, John B. obituary LA Times 1964
1252 |
 | Robidart, Juliet birthday party at Centro Basco Hotel
1253 |
 | Roby, Shofie (Ernaga) obituary 1974
1254 |
 | Rohrer, LaVonne (Dickes Chilibolost) obituary 2000
1255 |
 | Root, Lloyd Leslie obituary 2013
1256 |
 | Rose, Lucile Marie (Borda) obituary 2000
1257 |
 | Royere, Paul obituary 1933
1258 |
 | Ruiz, Angel obituary 1964
1259 |
 | Ruiz, Grace (Urrutia) obituary 1985
1260 |
 | Ruiz, Juanita (Erratchuo) obituary 1989
1261 |
 | Ruiz, Sophie (Daguerre) obituary 1970
1262 |
 | Sabano, Peter death article 1952
1263 |
 | Sagardoy, John obituary 2000
1264 |
 | Sagardoy, Veronique (Herriest) obituary 1995
1265 |
 | Sahargun, Catherine (Hargain) obituary 1945
1266 |
 | Sahargun, Jean death article 1929
1267 |
 | Sahargun, Jean obituary 1929
1268 |
 | Sahargun, Jean Pierre obituary 1946
1269 |
 | Sahargun, John M. obituary 1980
1270 |
 | Sahargun, Josephine (Daunet) obituary 1922
1271 |
 | Sahargun, Josephine (Daunte) death article 1922
1272 |
 | Sahargun, Josephine (Lopeteguy) obituary 1976
1273 |
 | Sahargun, Pierre and Josephine Daunet marriage license 1903
1274 |
 | Sahargun, Pierre obituary 1908
1275 |
 | Sahargun, Steven burial announcement 1949
1276 |
 | Sahargun, Steven obituary 1949
1277 |
 | Salas, Juan Eloy obituary 1986 Spouse of Annie Ardans
1278 |
 | Saldubehere, Antoine and Marie Louise Saldubehere marriage 1953
1279 |
 | Saldubehere, Ben death article 1955
1280 |
 | Saldubehere, Ben obituary 1955
1281 |
 | Saldubehere, Jeannot obituary 2020
1282 |
 | Saldubehere, John obituary 1962
1283 |
 | Saldubehere, Mary (Laxague) death article 1953
1284 |
 | Sallaberry, Bernard obituary 1954
1285 |
 | Sallaberry, May (Sallaberry) Billings Gazette obituary 2000
1286 |
 | Sallaberry, Pascal obituary 1937
1287 |
 | Salter, Blanche (Cazaux) obituary 1923
1288 |
 | Salthu, Dominique death article 1960
1289 |
 | Salthu, Dominique obituary 1957
1290 |
 | Salthu, Dominique obituary 1960
1291 |
 | Salthu, Jeanette obituary 1928
1292 |
 | Salthu, Marguerite (Iturbide) obituary 1977
1293 |
 | San Pedro, Pedro obituary 1943
1294 |
 | Sanchotena, Serapio obituary 1959
1295 |
 | Sansinena, Jean Pierre and Grace Amestoy marriage 1961
1296 |
 | Sansinena, Jean Pierre obituary 2023
1297 |
 | Sansinena, Jose obituary 1895 Published in California'ko Eskual Herria newspaper
1298 |
 | Sansinena, Joseph Sr. obituary 1998
1299 |
 | Sansinena, Pete death article 1962
1300 |
 | Sansinena, Pete obituary 1962